My Wizard Came!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cliff Wilson
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Cliff Wilson

My Wizard came today! (Friday 9/5)

Will set it up Monday while the shop is closed.

Had to tell someone! Wish me luck with the setup.

You are living my next fantasy. Soon though, you will say congrats to me too.
Why wait? Because it takes two people to move the table safely and I'm by myself until Monday! Believe me, it would be set up if I had longer arms!
Well, I'm up and running! Cut a few mats so far. Of course, I had it all set up, mat design in and was ready to push the "cut" button and decided to call tech support "just in case." Turns out I had the head turned 90 degrees off and would have "broken it in half" if I'd pushed the button. :eek: What made me hesitate? :confused: Good thing! :D

Now, I think I've got it! ;) Now that I've actually got some work done, I'm off to try something a little more fun!

Hi Cliff,

How's the Wizard doing? Did the set-up go fairly smoothly? Have you had good success with the software? Are you satisfied with the quality of the cuts? Ours is supposed to ship next week. Any hints or suggestions you'd like to pass along? We need to start cutting right away and could use all the help we can get.

We stopped by the Wizard booth while in Atlanta. Brian Wolf gave us a disk of designs he's created. If you don't have it yet, I'm sure he'd send you one.

Good luck to you.
Everything went very smoothly! One thing. Just before I was going to cut my first mat I called tech support and asked them to run through a "checklist" with me. GOOD THING. I did not understand the head alignment instructions and would have damaged it. Everything was installed correctly, but when you start you have to "align the head in the lower left corner" so it is properly oriented. I had it 90 degrees off.

Software seems very straight forward. I am not a good one to use to answer that question though. I spent 25 yrs as a software engineer and manager. I had the title of User Interface Consultant for about 4 years at one point. I don't usually have trouble with software.

First mat I cut was for a job. Worked great, looked great. Started playing. Did my nieces name while she was here. Used 155 corners and it didn't come out well at all. I need to learn to test some small designs before committing to them! Needed to increase kerning on the letters.

Ummm ... hints or suggestions ... keep the table as flat as possible while leaving room for air tubes. If you have to put it on the wall for space reasons, fine, but if you can get gravity to help you hold the fallouts, etc. it simplifies things. I built my own table and stand with glass/foam storage underneath. I have about 1 foot rise at the back.

My table supports are about 5 inches wide. I got lucky. Turns out ... air tubes come out the back of the board and bolt heads protrude in such a way that there is just 5 inches of clearance bewteen them. My support fit snuggly (but no constriction on the tubes!) in the space. They suggest a 2 x 4. This obviously would fit fine.

I would love a "disk of designs."

I'd be glad to answer specific questions.
Good Luck.

[ 09-10-2003, 02:42 PM: Message edited by: Cliff Wilson ]
I'm glad things are going well for you, thanks for the tip on the head, and on the positioning of the table. We were wondering if we should build our own stand/table also. We ordered their stand but sure could use the space for storage as you did.
I'm sure your background makes the software a breeze for you. I played with the demo software a bit and it doesn't seem too intimidating. I think I will catch on okay. I am surrounded by computer guru's, so I have some built in technical support. :)
I'm sure if you e-mail Brian Wolf he'd be glad to send that disc. I'd be glad to copy mine for you but I need to ask Wizard first. Don't want them getting mad at me and sending my machine to someone else. :)
Thanks again, if we learn anything really cool when we get ours I'll pass it along.