Thanks, everyone, for the kind words. I am excited about the new site. I think my designer, David Walker, did a great job on it. I tried to do it myself a couple of years ago, but found you need to know way more than I did to have it look good on the web, not just on your own computer. I had my basic structure and wording from that attempt, as well as a number of photos. I gave these to David and he applied his artistic (he's a world-known quilt artist who shows and teaches extensively) and computer skills to get it all together.
Now I have to get the word out about the site. I'm going to feature, then incorporate generally, the site address in my advertising, and probably do a mailing too.
I've got scads of expensively-printed business cards without the web address on them, so I was thinking of having a rubber stamp made of the web address, and stamping it on the cards in some fun color. Eventually, I'll have new cards done with the address incorporated, of course.
David included some meta tags in the code to get me noticed by search engines, and registered the site with Google. Of course, I'll be talking about it to anyone I meet as well.
Anyone have any other suggestions for publicising the new site?
Thanks again.
