After years of lurking, I'm 'coming out' by sharing my first completed framing project.
The subject matter is the Goose Creek Oil Field, the first offshore oilfield in Texas.
Since I'm not a wordsmith I'll let the picture speak the first '1000 words':
The top photo is a forest of oil derricks.
The bottom photo shows the town, post cyclone.
Goose Creek Oil Field
Hit by cyclone May 24 1919
"Earth felt the wound; and Nature from her seat,
Sighing through all her Works, gave signs of woe
That all was lost." - John Milton, Paradise Lost
I came across these photos on the web, and found each of them impressive in their own right.
Together, they were begging to make a statement. The original intent (and still possible)
was to use them on a webpage along with some quotes. The top photo was going to get a quote about
human progress. The bottom photo was going the get a quote about the wrath of nature. I was going to
tie the quotes together with "Man is Nature's only mistake.", William Gilbert. But when I read this
Milton quote, it made my skin crawl. Here was a classical quote that captured the mood and tied the photos
together with symbolism. A small leap later, I had a framing project on my hands. All the materials
except the frame were scavenged at work (thanks Wizard!). I definitely want to redo this someday
with quality material.
Technical detail:
The photos are inkjet on photo-gloss paper
The bottom mat is blue suede / black core
The top mat is whatever black was on hand
The suede mat isn't full sized, but is nestled in another mat
The nameplate was laser printed on gold paper, then mounted on matboard and cut
The quote was laser printed on decorative paper and mounted to the bottom mat
The frame is recycled from a thrift store
All mats cut on a Wizard (of course)
And I learned a lesson from this: Don't disturb laser printed material in the press until it's cooled
The subject matter is the Goose Creek Oil Field, the first offshore oilfield in Texas.
Since I'm not a wordsmith I'll let the picture speak the first '1000 words':

The top photo is a forest of oil derricks.
The bottom photo shows the town, post cyclone.
Goose Creek Oil Field
Hit by cyclone May 24 1919
"Earth felt the wound; and Nature from her seat,
Sighing through all her Works, gave signs of woe
That all was lost." - John Milton, Paradise Lost
I came across these photos on the web, and found each of them impressive in their own right.
Together, they were begging to make a statement. The original intent (and still possible)
was to use them on a webpage along with some quotes. The top photo was going to get a quote about
human progress. The bottom photo was going the get a quote about the wrath of nature. I was going to
tie the quotes together with "Man is Nature's only mistake.", William Gilbert. But when I read this
Milton quote, it made my skin crawl. Here was a classical quote that captured the mood and tied the photos
together with symbolism. A small leap later, I had a framing project on my hands. All the materials
except the frame were scavenged at work (thanks Wizard!). I definitely want to redo this someday
with quality material.
Technical detail:
The photos are inkjet on photo-gloss paper
The bottom mat is blue suede / black core
The top mat is whatever black was on hand
The suede mat isn't full sized, but is nestled in another mat
The nameplate was laser printed on gold paper, then mounted on matboard and cut
The quote was laser printed on decorative paper and mounted to the bottom mat
The frame is recycled from a thrift store
All mats cut on a Wizard (of course)
And I learned a lesson from this: Don't disturb laser printed material in the press until it's cooled