My first fabric wrapped mat


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
May 30, 2005
historic Charleston, SC
This is my first fabric wrapped mat project. The fabric is 'Charleston Gardens' 100% cotton fiber, bought it at Wally-World. The inner mat is Crescent Select #9528 Lentil. The frame is a pre-made from the clearance rack of a fabric store. The print is from The Illustrated London News, March 13, 1858. The music is titled "Two Rivers", and is a love song with two stanzas, written in both English & German. (Please excuse the chopped off image - I'm brand new to this imaging thing, also!)

Please click on the image to display at full size.

Edit to correct oversize image.

[ 08-08-2005, 02:03 AM: Message edited by: Lance E ]
Your corners are nice and crisp and it all looks great.
Now stop buying stuff at Wally world and you'll be fine. :D

Crop you picture down to the frame before you post and then you won't end up with a triple wide forum.. :D

Great looking design for a first shot. Now start selling; you're there.
Nice work!!

Someday, someway, I am going to learn to do that!!

Outstanding, Baer. What is the latest acceptable mat width? Or is it simply part of a total design/preference choice? I haven't gone over 3" yet, but I've certainly seen wider.

Also, who/what is epfg?

Asking a guy 'how big' can get you into trouble here on the Grumble...LOL but lets see if we can get this out there.

Anything less than 2.5" on a mat around a 5x7 or larger will look dorkie, 60ish, and constipated if not down right sufficating.

At 8x10 I like to hit 3" with a 1/2" weight.
at 16x20 I start to move the bar up around the 3.5 or 4" depending on the image.
If it is a landscape...give it some air, and same goes for a head shot.

As you get large, as in the Hopper on another tread (Cutting large mat), 5" with a 6" weight was the max with out looking weird.

Andy Warhols like 8" mats in strong colored cottons.... Polocks beg for a 6" in strong loud Spandex.
Any pic of Lance Armstrong is manditory 7" in Yellow Spandex. :D

EPFG is one of the finest Guilds around. Evergreen Picture Frame Guild.
Anyone can be a member, and get a monthly newsletter. The "Spring Fling" in March is world class education and fellowship.
Annual dues are inexpensive, and the fellowship is deep and rich in knowledge and friendship.
But, I may be just a little partial.

They mail the newsletter to every framer in WA & OR whether they are a member or not.
Originally posted by Baer Charlton:
[QB] deaconsbench,

Asking a guy 'how big' can get you into trouble here on the Grumble...LOL but lets see if we can get this out there.

Hey Baer,

If I cover my eyes with my hands, I may just peak.....OH MY!!

You keep saying we are showing but also covering... we are still talking about picture framing right???LOL :D

Can I take pictures??LOL

See you soon!
Oh BTW Marion, the board or somebody acting irresponsable on your behave made you an honorary member of the EPFG. And with your humor, that's a good on ya thing. :D
Thanks, ya'll for the confidence boosters! It's :( a little sad, I know, but I sure do need an 'attaboy' once in a while! (I'll be willing to hand them out freely as well!!)
Your design is very nice.

Most framers are good designers but are not sure why they chose what they chose or how to express it in words to the customer. I teach color and design classes at framing conferences. I'll be in San Diego and also Atlanta in Sept. I will also teach a two day set of classes in Orlando in Feb. I've written a book called Color & Design for the Picture Framer which can be helpful.

I only tell you this because sometimes when a design is broken down into its component parts the motivation for the design becomes clear. Comparing design solutions trains the eye to recognize what it is seeing and a bad design becomes apparent faster. Understanding the elements of color and design gives the framer confidence when working with customers. Many times the wrong color mat, the frame is just a bit too large and dark or the objects are too close to the frame for visual comfort; many things can be improved by thinking about all the design elements and learning to use them.

Excuse the plug, I wouldn't have done it except for some of the questions you were asking.
Nona, many thanks for the kind words, especially from someone of your caliber. I'm not quite ready to venture out to a show such as Atlanta yet (I don't know enough to even ask intelligent questions!), but am interested in obtaining your book. I see it on the Columbia web site for $25. Is this a good, going price?
The show is the place you should be if you are intersted in doing framing for a living at all. You will learn so much, it will teach you how to ask questions. Your so close, just drive over for one day. It will astound you, I promise.

Yes, you can get it lots of places but it sells for $25. My web site says $20, but I have to get it changed. I'll sell it to you for $20 plus $3.00 shipping because I haven't changed it yet.

The biggest challenge framers have is to learn it all before you ruin something or lose a sale because of a bad design or get the sale but lose money on it.
Deac, jump on her book at either $23 or $25+S&H.

IT IS THE HALMARK. <font size=1>Slip me the $5 later Nona. :D ,/font>

Seriously, at $30, it is one of the best and cheapest lessons out there.

Now lets see if I can re phrase that.... It is one of the best classes/books that you can buy at any price.... and at @$30, it is a very economical expenditure..... :D

Oh you know what I mean. Just do it.