Eric A
CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
This is part two of the Civil War saber that I framed the end of November. I am now framing the matching musket. There is no issue with the framing but my question is should I put some sort of sicla gel packs in the back of the frame between the masonite and the backign paper, I have about an inch, to keep it from rusting in the FL salt air? I do plan to oil it with gun oil right before I seal it in like I do with mine before I put them back in the safes. I also have dehumidifiers in my safes to keep it as dry as possible. I am thinking I should do the same thing here. I looked it up and this is about an 1820 and the coating is long gone off the barrel. Thoughts? Unfinished photo for reference. The camera does not like that patteren at all LOL