Museum Glass Promotion: Dumb Question #1


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Founding Member
Jul 30, 1997
Leawood, Kansas USA
I just got in on the price break from TV on Museum glass. Was too busy to talk to the rep more than a few seconds when offered the deal: here's the question. Can you buy more than one box at the discounted price?

(I did a search and found no recent posts on the promotional price.)
We buy from glass fron Larson and we get a discount if we buy 5 or more cases of any glass. I think it is 10% or 20% off, I don't recall right now.
The latest promo is a "one time" New Buyer promo. It is in conjunction with Larson where you get a "dollar off" discount (I think $20) and TV sends you a rebate form that you fill out and wait for the check.

The entire savings was $50, but for one box only

I wish they would open it up as we use that savings to promote it-something about Turning a Buying Advantage into a Selling Advantage

We were called about it by TV and when we placed the order with Larson, they were not up to speed. We had to call back TV, place the order for the one box, who then called Larson and placed the order for us

The things we do to save $50....

Now, if they have another promo I'm not aware of
Here's what I figured out. After calling my major local supplier, I find they sell their 1-lite box of Museum at $80., and their 3-lite box at $220. (I didn't ask about a quantity discount because I don't want 5 boxes of Museum in inventory.)

The phone call from TV directly to me offered me (if I'm not braindead) $50.00 off one box of 3 lites. (Don't know why they figured me a NewBuyer since I've used their glass for 14 years.) I actually got billed locally for $200. which is okay with me because it gets me back up almost to LJ's $245. one-box-3-lites price. It seems my local is giving us locals a good price on the product already.

I wish I could remember if I could have bought more than one box from the direct caller: seems to me I could have but I'm fuzzy on that. Anyhow I look at it, $66.66 per lite on that promotion is nice stuff.

stshof, I visited the website but could get no info pertinent to my original question.

Thanx for the replies.

Cathie, my understanding was that it was only for one box.
I was able to order it from the distributor of my choice, not just Larson.
We got the call from TV about 4 weeks ago and I requested a box of 32x40 and they said they'd take care of getting it to us through LJ. Never got it. So I called my LJ rep and she took care of it. Do you get it directly from TV or through a distributor? I don't think I've ever called TV directly for anything.
Deb, I used Larson as a price comp. I can get it through them but I have a very strong allegiance to my local supplier who is not only very fairly priced on most things but extremely helpful, friendly, and an all 'round great group. So, I buy as much of anything I can from them.

I guess I could have gone back and found the phone number for the direct TV call but didn't really want to anyway.
If you buy from the NY (Paramus) LJ location, there is a 15% discount promotion for 3 or more boxes of Tru Vue through Sep 9. It's on top of any current discount - Good time to stock up on Museum Glass. $170 for GM3648 at my current discount.

Pat :D