Museum Glass Cleaning


May 21, 2003
Northwest Ohio
Has anyone figured out a way to clean Tru Vue museum glass that will not leave streaks? I have tried many cleaners and all streak. Any help would be appreciated.
Citris cleaners tended to streak so I switched. Have you tried alcohol and water?

The glass still streaks, but you don't care! I used to prefer Salty dogs (vodka and grapefruit) but the citrus really left a sticky ring,.....

Actually I find it works well enough with the Museum Glass. At least with th eamount I sell! Doesn't streak, and I can deal with the occassional hang over!
Go to the local drug store and get the rubbing alcohol 70/30 mix. Spray cheese cloth or something comparable with alcohol and wipe. Of course don't foget to use cotton gloves in the first place, that will save a good deal of work.
Patrick Leeland
We use the 3m micro fiber cloths as well and man do they work great.
Rules for working with Museum glass:
1) Wear gloves the whole time
2) Put a piece of suede mat behind the glass when cutting it
3) Do not 'swipe' or bevel the edges
4) Use Microfiber cloth to wipe
4a) Do not clean with liquid unless absolutely necessary
5) If there aren any little marks on the glass, 'huff' on the MFiber cloth to make it the tiniest bit damp and rub the glass vigorously.
6) I also find that the first MFiber cloths are better than the ones you can buy now. We call them Magic Museum Cloths. We guard them zealously.
I rarely have to clean (use gloves) but, if I do I have had ZERO trouble with my usual combination of Sprayway cleaner and the Kaydry lint free paper towels that I get from LJ. For just a fingerprint just spray the towel and clean the immediate area.

Pat :D
didn't this come up just this past summer? i remember a lot of ideas, go look itup
Any ammonia-free glass cleaner will work well with Museum Glass. The streaking is not due to the cleaner, but the method of wiping. Here's what works:
1. apply liquid to a microfiber or cotton cloth - never use paper towels.
2. rub briskly to remove streaks.
3. keep rubbing - buff the surface thoroughly until it is completely dry.