Mulberry Paper hinge Texture shows....


Grumbler in Training
Jan 13, 2005
Denver, CO
I'm new, with lots to learn... been in art for 30+ years in custom framing profession 2 mos....
A customer brought in a seriagraph by a well known deceased artist. I float mounted it with mulberry paper and rice paste.
Problem: the paper the print is on is similar to coated paper one would find in commercial printing rather than a fine or even good rag stock. Result: when the hinge dried it's embossment/texture really shows.
One more lesson in looking ahead and warning/communicating with the the customer upfront. I'm not seeing a lot of stuff 'til it happens,,, more learning curve than expected.
Suggestions or fixes?
welcome to the grumble
1. use less wheat paste
2. let the paste partially dry prior to applying the hinge
3. use a lighter weight paper to make hinges
4. possible use lighter touch when pressing down the hinge
Two possibilities come to mind: The paste was too wet when the hinge was applied to the back of the print and the paper deformed and/or you cut the hinges instead of tearing them (A nice feathered edge is less likely to show).

Suggestion: Get to Las Vegas for the WCAF show and take Hugh Phibb's class on preservation mounting...a sound investment.
Wally's right -- get yourself to Hugh Phibbs's class at WCAF.

When he talks about "Micro Dot" starch paste hinging, pay attention. That would be the way to avoid the hinging troubles you had in this case.
I will be in Vegas, and will attend the class.

Would you attempt to remove the hinge and re do it after flattening th epaper.

< hinge was torn, but too much paste and too wet I'M sure>

Thanks for the help.

Removing the hinge should be easy enough, by transferring just enough moisture with a damp blotter. Remember, moisture is what started the problem -- less of it is better.

But flattening the paper could be a problem. Be very careful. You probably should see a conservator.
Due to scheduling issues, the only hinging class
I will be able to offer this spring will be in
Orlando, at the PPFA Convention. You can find out
more about this if you can find back copies of
Picture Framing Magazine. There is a second preservation supplement on hinging that includes
microdots and it has been explained in the Preservation Practices column. As Jim suggests,
taking hinges off should be left to a conservator,
since addition of moisture to a paper, can cause
the creation of tidelines that will become visible, over time. Hinging does take practice,
but the microdot technique should allow you to
handle this kind of paper, in the future. You
can also use dried out blotter, for hand drying
the hinges to help get the moisture out, quickly
and avoid any cockling.
