MSN Groups


PFG, Picture Framing God
In Memorium
Rest In Peace

Gone but not forgotten
Apr 9, 2001
Clayton, NC
This may have been discussed, but I can't seem to upload any photos from My Pictures to My MSN Groups...
I have several pix I'd like to either post, or email, and can do neither.
I use MSN Explorer, which is Hotmail, apparently. Anytime I try to email a pic, it defaults to Outlook Express, which MSN can't seem to be able to tell me how to configure, (incoming server info and ouotgoing server info).
This is very frustrating, as my only recourse is to actually snail-mail copies of the pix to friends (Ron???) and get them to post them.
I used to be able to do all this, but something has apparently changed with MSN Groups.
Normally, an FTP (File transfer) program would be used for something like this. Are you sure that you'd be able to email it to your site?

Windows assigns a default email handling program, which in your case is Outlook Express. Since you aren't using an email program, but a web based simulation of one - it doesn't load the hotmail web site. One solution might be to go to the hotmail web system, start composing a message, click on the attachment icon, and BROWSE to find the picture(s) in your MY PICTURES folder. This may or may not solve the problem, but it's worth a try

I'm not familiar with hotmail or MSN's system.

Charles, since I am using MSN Groups, Hotmail and Outlook Express, I will study this problem this evening and see if I get get some answers for you - possibly after a couple of brandy Manhattans.