MS Photo Editor


MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Feb 20, 2003
Adelaide - South Australia
G'day all,
How many of you have like to play with MS Photo Editor ?

I have just discovered the 'Effects' fuctions, especially the watercolour button.

I find it excellent on sunsets, landscapes, buildings can even look good.

Here's just a few I've done in the last day or so . . .

Deep Creek - Eagle Waterhole camp
Sunset on the Coorong
Carrick Hill

Most times I lighten a pic up a bit, then hit watercolour. Experiment with different grades of brush detail and texture, usually I have shadow intensity to minimum.
You can also enlarge a photo quite a bit, loose the detail somewhat, and it comes out nice in watercolour anyway.
Like it ? I usually save as the original name with w after it for reference.
If you don't like it, and it doesn't always suit a pic, then just back button and don't save.

The results can be worth printing (in high quality on textured paper) and framing !

I can see this is going to take more of my time to the computer ! (Probably late at night.)
Les - those are really nice!!! I especially like the first one!

I have been doing similar projects in several rudimentary photo editing software (as an avoidance behaviour to not learn PhotoShop!). I did a sunset last week but mostly I do it with cat and dog photos.

I'll post some later on...

And, YES - it is quite addictive!!!!! LOL!
Great work!!!

I'm not sure if MS Photo Editor is capable of adding blur but you can get better results from some images if your add a bit of [gaussian] blur first...

For a great freebie photo editor with oodles of power try GIMP.
Lance - GNU seems to have thousands of software packages - which one were you refering to??? I very quickly got completely lost on the website! LOL!

They have a great philospphy!
From the link above goto the left hand pane and select your operating system (OS), then choose the package you want (i.e. auto installer for Windows app pack for Mac etc.) Then it will take you to another screen for downloading (old/stable version on left hand pane), you may also need a GTK +2 or X11 for Mac.

Windows OS download page.
Mac OSX download page.

GNU is great stuff, best accessed from, if you use it support it...