Movie poster manners


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Apr 8, 2004
A while back there was a thread about the rights and wrongs of framing movie posters.

I don't want to name names or point fingers so I won't link to the thread but...

Among other things it was partnered with a website and a framer for Disney that bashed framers basically calling us crooks and that we don't know most of the time the proper care for artwork.

Interestingly enough I had a customer drop off 3 posters this week that he had done by the very people that supposedly know it all.

The posters were framed poorly to say the least and their was some damage to the artwork as a result.

After showing the customer the damage and telling him how I can minimize it he swore off the internet framing community.

The initial person posting the poster thread was so busy throwing stones at us and preaching how much better his company was he forgot one thing. Sometimes you need to back up your hype.

Their principle idea behind conservation framing movie posters was sound, it was just their execusion of the plan was crappy to put it nicely.
Can you say, "Evergreen Slugs"?
I wonder about something on that link.
The author states "Conservation glass is also extremely expensive since it is very much a specialty product"

Isn't uv plexi a specailty product and even more expensive than uv glass???
FramerDave I knew someone would track the link down.

It's one thing to portray yourself as a specialist like they do on the site, it is quite another to say everyone else is wrong , I am right and then do a bad job.

At least I know I converted one customer back to reality and away from scammers.

Just thought you all might get a chuckle out of this.
That thread resurfaced a few months back.

In fairness, that guy doesn't do framing. He just refers people who need framing. The hack that wrote the article, Sue Heim, actually does the "framing" from her site.

Like a fool I have exchanged about 30 emails with the owner of the page that Framerdave linked us to. He admits that he knows nothing of framing but contends that Sue's ideas are always right and never damage posters. He said that her mantra was to sandwich the priceless posters between uv-plexi and another hard surface and they would be preserved forever. No mounting or spacers are necessary. Anybody who has been framing for a week could shoot holes through that theory.

Isn't there a saying about "You can lead a fool to knowledge but you can't make him think!" This bunch fits that perfectly.

She used regular (thin) plexi with a regular foam core backing. No acid free or even enough spring clips.

One poster was so wavey I had to take a dramamin to help cut down on the sea sickness before I could work on it.(I do tend to exagerate sometimes)

I like the quote.