mouting a monumental work on paper


Grumbler in Training
Mar 21, 2006
San Digeo
We are looking to have a monumental drawing on paper (composed of several sheets of paper) mounted and stabilized, so that it will be ready for installation.

Here are the details:

When combined the complete drawing measured 13 x 10.5 feet. The drawing is composed of 9 separate sheets of paper:

A: 52.5 x 42 inches
B: 53.375 x 42 inches (a thinner paper)
C: 51.5 x 42 inches
D: 52.5 x 42 inches
E: 52.5 x 42 inches
F: 53.5 x 42 inches
G: 52.5 x 42 inches
H: 52.75 x 42 inches
I: 52.8125 x 42 inches

All sheets of paper (save B) are Strathmore 400 series, 160 lb. watercolor paper.
B is completed on a thinner 80 lb. drawing paper.

The drawing is completed in graphite and charcoal and the artist has applied a heavy fix so that the work will not smear or transfer from the paper

The paper is all from a 42 inch wide roll of watercolor paper, hand cut with a blade. So, the corners are not perfectly squared, as they were hand cut, but they are pretty close.

We are looking to mount or attach these sheets to a solid ground so that they are stable and can be hung together.

Any advice on how to tackle this project -- it is important that the task is completed archivally.

The oriental* wet mount technique comes to mind. There was an extensive explanation of it on the Grumble some time back, and may still be in the archives. I believe the expert was from the San Francisco area.
*not sure if it is Japanese or Chinese in origin.

Welcome to the Grumble...that's kwite the task you've taken on. Does the artist have any input into how this could be done or is the mounting an afterthought?
How bout NOT mounting the originals.....taking reallllly goood digitals of them, connecting with a company doing "mini" murals(my gut does 5' hi to how long do you need), putting them all on the mural and putting that up???? If this interests you , email me I'll pass along the name/number