Randy, we've done tons of these and have strong ideas about what their final appearance should be. We use 4-ply "hangers" cut to fit the shape at the top of the shirt. Sometimes we'll pad the "hanger" with an appropriate fabric or batting to give it more dimension. You sew through the top layer to the back and repeat until secure all around the hanger's perimeter. You may in addition have to French tack occasionally to discipline the shirt's fabric from slumping. You may also attach a similar arrangement down toward the bottom, but be careful that you don't restrict the back of the shirt so tightly that the front sags, as mentioned above. The end result should appear that the shirt is floating on the backboard. All this said, they're very pretty, but......I hate doing them! By the time I add the liner or spacer to 3-dimensionalize, and figure the labor, I don't like the return on the investment. (I know, I know: charge more.)