Mounting Rocks

Rick Granick

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Forum Donor
Resource Provider
Jun 30, 1999
Cincinnati, OH
I have a project for which I need to mount several small, fairly smooth rocks on the surface of the mat, beneath a photo in a window opening. Can't have any physical/mechanical elements showing. Conservation of the rocks is not an issue, but I don't want to use (wince) silicone, bec. of offgassing affecting the photo. I'm wondering if acrylic gel medium would work as an adhesive? Or maybe hot glue? The rocks are about the size of walnuts.

:cool: Rick
Could velcro work? Some of the industrial strength ones are pretty darn tacky, and you could use some kind of super glue to insure that the velcro stays put? But, the outgassing could still be bad.
Could you use some kind of like colored string to help hold them in place with glue too? I have used silk thread to attach things and then painted the string to match the object, and it virtually disappears. Time consuming, but can be effective..
If there can be no mechanics showing, maybe you'd need to paint the back of the rock with something that would give it some tooth, and then use some kind of inert glue. (franks ph neutral adhesive? made for fabrics, but works on paper and dries clearish..)
good luck!!

You haven't been cruisin' around Webster, NY lately, have you???

Roz is missin' some rocks and ............. well, it DOES look a bit suspicious.

Oh wait, walnut rocks, ............... well those probably wouldn't hold down an A-frame sign would they??

Please continue Rick. And thanks.

I don't know Tom, you might be on to something. Who says these aren't smaller rocks made from the bigger rock? Obviously if Roz's rocks were stolen they had value, I bet they were stolen and broken down into smaller pieces in order to be sold.

Rick, I wouldn't do anything with those rocks til they are cleared................
Epoxy and other two-part adhesives are stable and
do not emit much, once they are thoroughly cured.
They are not as fleixble as silicone, and may pull off the surface of the mat, if the frame is
dropped. You can glue plastic tubing to the back
of the stone and thread line through it and then
through the mat, or look for alcohol curing silicone that has not expired, or try acrylic
gel medium, as Grumblers have suggested.

For mounting rocks..what about Exta Thick Designer's Tacky Glue? It is PVA based so shouldn't off-gas. I use it all of the time in my collage work. I have it holding up some washers that are pretty heavy!

I would use well cured silicone; pretty hard to beat that stuff. Don't worry about outgasing, let it cure for a couple of days and it will probably be OK.

Jack Cee
Gel medium. Just a glob will do it, used it to mount some arrowheads to matboard and it worked wonderfully.
We use Aleene's Jewel-It. Its a Jewel glue as is obvious by the name. No outgasing, stays flexible, dries clear. Similiar to Gel medium that Scottk and Jaci suggested.
I decided to use TackyGlue Gel formula. The glue is drying now. I'll let you know how it worked out. Thanks for all the suggestions.
:cool: Rick
What about JB Weld? I know those little nuts on the demo on the counter at the parts store aint comming off. Every male in North America has tried to remove it.