Mounting Records


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Mar 10, 2004
Customer do come up with some doozies! A customer brought in two 33 rpm records along with the cover and a brochure he wants framed. However, he wants the cover and brochure matted but he does NOT want the records matted. He wants this all in one frame with glass on both sides - I can do all this, BUT I can't figure out a way to do it and secure the records between the glass safely. Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I'll bet he doesn't want any support methods to be visible either, right? Yeesh, I thought we weren't magicians!
You could possibly use clear acrylic for the back piece of glazing and drill through that to screw in a short piece of acrylic rod that would go through the center hole of the record. You might even be able to cement rather than screw-mount this rod, but I'll leave that for someone more proficient with acrylic to determine.
You might also check with Superior Acrylics about some kind of clear mounting devices.
:cool: Rick
Encapsulate the records in Mylar, cut an opening a little larger than the record in both front and back mats (I'm assuming you are having mats on both sides of the frame as you mentioned a glass back); attach the encapsulated record to the mat with 889/888 tape. Bingo, it floats in the opening, visible front and back.
Thanks for the input - welcome any other suggestions as well. Problem with your idea, CAframer, is that customer doesn't want mat around records - only the top portion holding
the record album cover! Tried to talk him into mat around records; but of course, I wasn't successful. UGH!