Resolved Mounting plywood

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True Grumbler
Forum Donor
Nov 11, 2019
Morrison IL
Morrison True Value
I have a piece of Street Art that was painted on plywood. (8" x23") I want to float it. Would it be okay to use hinges on the plywood? Or is it not archival enough. I have a depth issue with the frame (my fault for not thinking that through). The first one I did was much larger and I had a deep enough frame to actually use heavy coated metal to form holders for the plywood. I can do that again but I wanted to see if anyone had any other suggestions before I started to deepen the frame.
What thickness?
I can't think of any way that a Hinge would be useful on plywood.
The method you previously did sounds good.
Depending on thickness, there may be a Mighty Mount that can hold it in place.
I have mounted things of this weight by using brackets I made by bending fairly heavy wire into an "L" shape and threading the ends. You put the wire through a small hole in the backing and fasten it down with nuts.
1/4 inch. Unfinished back. I usually buy plate hangers and bend them as needed. That is what I will do again on this.
Thanks for the help.
1/4 inch. Unfinished back. I usually buy plate hangers and bend them as needed. That is what I will do again on this.
Thanks for the help.
That sounds like it would be effective. It is similar to the Formed Rod Mounting technique developed by Jim Miller. If you do a search here you will find information about it. Or better yet, buy his Object Mounting book, available from the PPFA bookstore.
:cool: Rick