Mounting Ink jet posters.


SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Oct 26, 2004
Wayzata, Minnesota
I am having trouble mounting 24 x 26 ink jet posters that are printed by the customer. The prints are saturated with too much ink and the paper is visibly cockled. I using cold mounting material and have tried Crescent Perfectmount and 3M photo spray mount. In both cases the paper aggressively meets the adhesive and I get a wrinkle. A small wrinkle turns into a monster as you roll out the print.

Thank goodness I can get extra prints from the customer. I have suggested using better quality paper and or adjusting the amount of ink on paper but the attitude is that I should solve my mounting problem.

Any suggestions.

Doug, you can't fix everything.

If you get them flat, they will be flat with creases. It's like dry-mounting an egg carton.
Originally posted by DVieau2:
the attitude is that I should solve my mounting problem.

Any suggestions.

Try solving your "customer" problem instead. This is one time that I would take a pass. send them to a photo house or map house.
Once the things are mounted, then they can come back for the framing....

True ink jet can be dry mounted, but it sounds like there is a lot more going on with the photos..