Mounting Ilfochrome

The ApronDude

Grumbler in Training
Jan 22, 2005
I need a reversable mounting method for a Ilfochrome print. The tricky part is that the artist only gave me 1/16th inch to work with (must have white margins for signatures).

Because of this narrow coverage I cannot use Mylar strips nor photo edges. I know I can't hinge this thing. Any Ideas?
The reversible method you're looking for is the "static mount". Use a piece of 1/4" acrylic as the mount board. Trace the shape of your print on the paper masking, and trim it away where the print will be located. Leave the mask around the perimeter of the print, so it has the effect of a "sink" mount.

Generally, I reinforce this kind of mount with hinges, as static changes with ambient conditions. The print could fall at a time when static charge is reduced.

Are you saying the artist wants to sign in the white margin of the print? I suggest you talk him/her out of that, or urge reprinting with a wider margin of white at the bottom.

Do not allow the artist to believe that 1/16" is adequate overlap of the mat. The print will expand/contract and creep within the frame more than that. Being a bit blunt, I would absolutely, positively guarantee your artist that one or more edges of the print will pop out of the mat opening, eventually.

You know more about framing than the artist does. Don't let him/her tell you how to do your job. Instead, make sure he/she understands the problems -- become the consultant.
I'm not dealing with the artist. A lady got this print, she wants to frame it but since it's a limited edition 1/100 she doesn't wish to mount it. But I have only 1/16 to work with. Any ideas?
Vivian Kistler has a wonderful saying. "We are framers, not magicians." You might have to have the mounting show. Use photo corners, or Mylar sills. If they show... tell her that there is not enough print to cover, and if she wants it mounted properly, then she will have to see the mounts.