mounting HUGE laminated map


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jan 7, 2005
Need some suggestions for mounting a map 48 1/2 inches x 64 inches.

-could be trimmed to 48 inches so a 48x96 f/c could be used

-map is laminated on both sides

-has been rolled and has some wrinkles

-no glass

-need to be able to put push pins into it

any to mount...etc? Thanks in advance.
I had one 'similar'(not quite that large)...used perfect mount...roughed up the backside with fine sandpaper to provide tack... wipped it down, stuck it down, put it in press for 20min(looow heat), put it under mat boards for couple of days......worked great!!! now if only PM came your size.....think I'd try fusion4k in its place. whatever you do wrinkles will still be there. you do search on past threads???? there are at least 2 that I can remember
thanks bill. actually got a suggestion from another bill to check with our photo lab. they have a roller mount that is large enough. gonna mount it for me for $25 bucks...i provide the substrate...1/2' fc. getting it done today...will see how it turns out.
Instead of foam center board, I suggest using 1/2" Gatorfoam. That would be rigid enough to handle and frame without concerns of warping, bowing, or creasing.

Standard foam center board is fragile in that size. In handling before framing, it could buckle/crease very easily. And after framing, the center could bow in or out.