Mounting Crochet

E&E Nick

Grumbler in Training
Oct 18, 2005
New Palestine, Indiana
Hello everyone from the new kid on the block I read the Grumble frequently but rarely write. I am looking for information on mounting crochet work. I've seen it glued down but I'm not sure how it is done and even if it should be done. Plenty of web info on blocking etc. but not mounting. Customer comming in thursday and I wunna sound reel smart.
Thanks, E&E Nick
Remember the first rule of framing, just as it is with doctors is "First, do no harm". So rather than gluing crochet (or darn near anything else) you need to stitch it. I pin it all around the edges on a rag mat and then stitch through with COTTON thread of a similar color. Stitches in the inner areas are sometimes necessary to prevent sagging over time, if the piece is any size at all. Your buzzwords to the customer are 1)reversability ("We want to be able to return this to its original condition if your great grandchildren decide to use it as a doily") 2)'like to like' ("We stitch work such as this with a material similar in weight and composition so as not to compromise the materials from which it was made") Don't you sound smart now? Just keep raving about how later generations will treasure this and how you care enough to do it right. Who doesn't want to leave a legacy?
Yes... remember to charge by the syllable!! The bigger the words you use to explain the more you charge.

"Reversability" Alot of syllables there, for sure!
Longevity, archivable, etc.. Wow!! You should make out like a bandit on this job!!

Glue...bad!!! Stitch...good!!
At one shop where we did a lot of achival needlework, we had a wonderful sample of what people occationally asked for: "can't you just secure it in there some how?"

That doily had duct tape, scotch tape, stapled, and grossly glued with rubber cement...

For a 1927 Westerford Petunia motif, it was one ugly thing of beauty.

It was the final sales tool needed... from then on we talked about presentation and concervation..
cost rarely came up after that, except in an overall concept.
Thanks guys. I like the "per sylable" pricing structure. Two things I've noticed most about the Grumble 1) Participants have not forgotten where they came from and seem genuinely interested in helping out the "new kids" - make me proud to be a framer. and 2) having advice from ones peers bolsters ones confidence and makes that "all alone" feeling go away.
These are big ticket items in my book. :)
E&E Nick
you would think one of the Mods would move this post to proper forum!~ I know they are busy!` This is not a Flame just a yooo hoooo!`