mounting class rings


Grumbler in Training
Jun 30, 2003
Saint Helena, CA
I have a project that will require that I mount class rings standing up in the shadowbox (that is they will be at a 90 degree angle from the wall). They will be mounted against a suede background. Any suggestions on the best way to acomplish this task? Thanks in advance for any help I can get!!!

Alan, just make sure that the fingers are well taxidermied and preserved. Also, you might test them for Ph balance, and keep them at least 1" from any wood that . . . oh sorry wrong thread.

What has worked for me in the past, is to do tight little sink mat holes in a foamcore, then mount fabric over and slip the rings into the sink holes. secure in the back with flat sticks of styrene glued down to the foamcore.

Of course, I actually like the idea of the rings still on a finger.... but I also like a good "coat of arms"..... very dis-arming.

I've had good luck using suede board. 1. cut a slit so a small amount of the ring will just fit through. One straight slit and two small cross slits at the ends. 2. I take a strip of the board and pull the fabric from the board, a piece approx 1 to 1 1/2 wide x 5 or more inches long. 3. I fold this in thirds, fold over the back of the ring and pull the ends through the slit and secure on the back by folding them back and use linnen tape to hold on the back. 4. Practice this first to see if it is a method which suits you.