Mounting canvas in oval frame


MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Aug 28, 2002
eastern pa
A customer brought in one of those cheapie floral canvas acrylic paintings, pretty small, like 9 x 12, and wants to put it in an oval frame. Since I'm not going to stretch it onto oval stretcher bars (do they exist?), how else can I mount it? It has some minor creases in the middle of it, so can I drymount this thing at all? Or would the paint melt? Vaccuum press with some sort of adhesive? Or should I just let it go and make her deal with the creases? She said that the painting has no monetary value, just sentimental value.
Why aren't you stretching over oval bars?

Yes they exsit, just not commercially.

You can stretch over 1/4" AF foamcore.

I wouldn't mount.... just aboout the time you mount and chop down to fit in the frame is when it becomes the next G-ma Moses.