Miche Engelman
Grumbler in Training
Hi and hello. My first post here, been a lurker, Love the Grumble. Down to business...I have been looking through my mounting and framing books (mounting Methods vol 5, Framers workbook,conservation framing vol 4.etc)and am having trouble with how in the heck to mount a very large skin diploma, and the kicker...the customer insists having it framed to the edge, so this would mean I would need to stretch it, and shim it. ok...but how do I do this? I asked another friend who is a framer and he said wet it with water on the reverse and squeegie it. I say I am not comfortable with this. I personally like techniques that don't involve automobile accessories. Am I to lace it like a needlepoint? That goes against my motto of "ye art is sacred, do no harm" or do I treat it like a drum skin and involve metals? I am hoping I don't offend anyone with my newbieness to this issue. Been a framer 6 years, and have reframed lots of these, but never mounted. It's in fair shape, some brown blooms, that don't look like active mold, caustomer has had it in a drawer for years. (like we are shocked at this confession...)anyway Thanks in advance for your words of wisdom.
hoping not to lose
my fearless framer status....
hoping not to lose