mounting a tile and outgassing


Grumbler in Training
May 22, 2005
Westport Washington
Greetings all!
I have a decorative tile that needs to be mounted and framed, and the customer wants to be able to see the edges of the tile. We decided to mount it to something black with an adhesive of some sort, then to come out from the tile about a 1/4" all around with the top mat so you can see the mounting board underneath. The tile is approximately 6 x 12 and weighs less than 10 pounds.
My questions are - what type of adhesive should I use that would be strong enough but would not create outgasses? And would black foam core be sturdy enough to mount it to or would it eventually separate? Any suggestions?
Thanks a bunch!
Stacey, any number of adhesives are correct for any number of tile materials....

You need to specify what the tile is...Porcelin, terracota, stoneware, etc.

As Jim Miller would point out, there is always the chance for an adhesive to fail when there is no "Mechanical" support.

Even if you were to set the tile into a 4-ply sink mat, that would give a small ledge of support. Then you are only worried about "pull-away" forces, which are easily overcome with even a Deco cement, alcohol curing silicon, or my altime favorite, tile mastic (the same for hanging tile in a shower unless you're doing Thin-set)

As a backer to adhear to, I would trust nothing short of 1/4" baltic birch 9-ply Plywood.