Mounting a pillow


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Dec 4, 2001
Torrington, Connecticut, USA
I have a hand made pillow to frame and am looking for some suggestions on the best way to mount it. It's 14" square and 2-1/2" thick.

Hopefully someone out there has had to do something similar at one time or another and can offer a tip or two.


A handmade pillow? Is it a piece of needlework?

If it is maybe you could talk them into simply framing the top.

Aren't you glad you have this place to ask this question?

Of course this is no help...I'll be eager to see the responses.
Mike that is a bit larger than the Ring Bairer one I Framed ( about 4X8 not counting the lace aroune the edges).However what Deb said is sort of how I approached the job.

I say sort of since it is a piece of Needlework (or at least the one I did was). So we couched it down to the mat and mount boars. We did it in such a way the the stiches didn't show while they held the Pillow Taut and then for our job we tacked down the lace to prevent it from flopping around.

Because ours wasn't to wide or long we didn't need any stitches in the center to support the weight. But if you feel yours does you might consider making some U shape loops through the boards going through the underside of the pillow without going through the front and thereby causeing dimples on the front and tieing them off on the back side of the boards. we normally attch a piece of tape over the knots to be safe.

Of course you could use a AEZ if you piecerd the pillow on the underside and then went through the boards and then taped them in a similar fashion as I previously mentioned. But I have no real experience with the AEZ and preferd not to try it on my pillow since it was Satin and even the thinnest needle of the AEZ is larger then the quilting needls we used (Ithink) and would make larger holes . And on yours the weight might cause what ever holes to enlarge with the weight and time.

Just my Ideas and experience maybe you'll get more informed help from others.
I would find a shadowbox frame deep enough and maybe with the inside finished to match. Then sew the pillow to the matboard. Another idea is to cut a matboard to go on the outside of the pillow then sink mount the pillow still sewing to a contrasting color to show around the pillow. Southwinds Mouldings has some very nice deep frames with extenders if they aren't deep enough. Good Luck
The last time that we framed a pillow we removed about 50% of the stuffing before sewing it to the mounting board. We then inserted a piece of mounting board insided, covered it with some stuffing and attached the mounting board to the to the back mounting board to removed any slump that might occur. Worked just fine and still have the customers.

Jack Cee
Mike -
How about cutting your moulding to 14¼x14¼ and then threading the two top corners into the backing? I would probably use Framerica's boxers as moulding of choice.
A pillow I framed some years ago was made of two crewel works, with a seam around the middle. It was about 10" x 14" rectangular, and maybe 4" thick.

I used a deep shadowbox frame then, but today I'd use an acrylic box, to show as much as possible of the pillow's shape.

As I recall, attaching it at just a few points would have wrinkled the pillow's covers; it needed overall support. So, on the back of the pillow I basted a thin fabric (can't remember what the fabric was, maybe muslin) along the top & bottom seams. It looked something like a sling had been added to the back of it.

Then the added fabric sling-like thing was stitched to the mount board. So, the pillow was supported all along its seams top & bottom.

Hope that makes sense.
Thanks for all the responses everybody.

This pillow was made with a large pocket on one side. So I was able to sew it down under the pocket so any dimpling caused by sewing will not be seen. Also, with customers permission, I sewed small squares of velcro in four corners on the back of the pillow for added support.

Used a deep shadowbox frame to house the pillow, and all is well.

Thanks again for the help!
