Mounting a musical instrument


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Oct 3, 2004
Santa Fe
here is a good challenge for me. Mounting a Brazilian musical instrument into a shadowbox.
This thing has a round rattler head made out of somekind of a dryed fruit and a wooden handle. Any idea how to mount this thing in my shadowbox? The good thing is that the handle actually goes tru the head and sticks out on top an inch. So it can be mounted down near the end and on top via the wooden handle. The mat is a grey suede. Any ideas? Thanks.
I hate to sound like a broken record . . . broken record . . . broken record . . .

. . . but clear film straps looped over the handle, passed through slits cut in the backing and secured to the back will be strong, unobtrusive and completely reversible.
Sounds familiar, Ron.

If the customer wants to remove the instrument, you can mount it with formed rod mounts, covered with shrink tubing. But then you'll need to build a frame that opens without tools, while it stays on the wall. Fun stuff.

There's that brokenrecordbrokenrecordbrokenrecord again...