Mounting a BIG woodblock print on rice paper

CF Hayback

Grumbler in Training
Apr 10, 2001
Manchester-by-the-Sea,MA USA
I have, at my shop a very large (@38 X 50") woodblock print on rice paper... It is not only big, but slightly transparent, and though I've mounted literally thousands of works, this one is still slightly daunting.... Any suggestions? I will use rice paper hinges/wheat paste, but I worry about both the transparency of the piece and the placement of the hinges....
All ideas are appreciated!!!!!
Thanks in advance!!!
Hi CF. Welcome to the Grumble. I have no helpful advice to offer except to suggets that you post your question on the main Grumble Bulliten Board. More people will see it. I find that no matter what kind of problem I encounter, SOMEONE has dealt with it. Good luck. Kit