mounting a baseball

Texas Bear

Grumbler in Training
Jul 22, 2003
I am building a shadowbox to put an autographed baseball in with matting. I would like to know how to mount the baseball without using adhesive that may leave residue or damage the ball? I know this may be a simple question and I am sure there is an easy solution.
Welcome Texas Bear,
If it wasn't for the fact that I just spent 10 days in your great state, I might not be helping here. There is extensive archives on the grumble with a very good search function. I typed in Tulle and got this. Personally, I like to use a railroad spike and silicone, but most people prefer this other method.
The thing about tulle is the places you have to go to buy it.

Tulle is most easily found in the bridal department of your local fabric store.

I'm guessing from your screen name that you are of the male persuasion (though my success rate at these kinds of guesses is less than 100%.) It takes a very self-assured male to browse around the bridal department of the fabric store.

If - heaven forbid - you have to ask some one for help, remember it's pronounced like "tool." We can remember tool, right?

Once you get you hands on some tulle, it's great stuff. You wrap it around golf balls, baseballs and all kinds of objects, gather it in the back and pass it through a hole in the backing that you've already cut. Pull it tight and glue it or tape it from the back. It nearly disappears in the front and is completely non-invasive. No yucky glue on your balls!

If you'd like to avoid the trip to the fabric store, call Lois Bauby at Superior in Riverside, CA. at or Toll Free(877) 422-7954. Lois' company does magical things with acrylic and she'll have some great way to hold your balls.

Edit: I had posted an old phone number for Lois' company, which I have updated here.

I should be flogged for hanging on to a 2-year-old Sources issue.

[ 07-28-2003, 02:25 PM: Message edited by: Ron Eggers ]
Woof at Texas Bear! From one "bear" to another, I prefer honey to attach balls to any mount I'm doing. But seriously folks, I'm assuming it is a signed or otherwise significant ball, that one wouldnt want to permanently attach? If it is a run of the mill, easily replaceable ball, screws work wonders, but only if it is not of ANY sentimental, monetary or otherwise meanigful value.
Woof Woof!
If it is a run of the mill, easily replaceable ball, screws work wonders, but only if it is not of ANY sentimental, monetary or otherwise meanigful value.
No offense, framer_bear, but if that's the case, why would anybody frame it?

I'd like to get Dancin' Bear's read on this.
You can also buy plastic baseball display stands at sports card shops that make great bases for shadowbox displays - unscrew the cup that the ball seats in from its wooden base, and mount the base of the cup to the back of your shadowbox. If done right, and if the base you buy is slim enough (some are quite bulky) it gives a nice effect. Plus the plastic most of them are made of can be drilled for the tulle or whatnot.
Yes, Ron, I realize that MOST people choose to frame items of sentimental or monetary value, and I appreciate wanting to take the most conservative route possible. Perhaps the customer was simply adding a decorative element to a baseball themed photograph or something like that. One never knows till one asks, agreed?