Mounting 200 pairs of earrings

Roxanne Langley

CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Sep 14, 2000
Woodlands, TX
Okay, here is one for the record books. The husband of a client wants to organize his wifes earring collection and thought about a very large frame on the wall so that he doesn't keep finding them in his sock drawer.

So, the question is: anyone have any ideas how I could construct a backing that they will hang on so that she can remove them for wearing and hopefully put them back in the correct place. This may be one of those magician projects.

Let the ideas roll.........
I saw this on "Clean Sweep" several months ago. They were reorganizing the office/work space of a woman who makes jewelry.

It's as easy as getting some screen from the hardware store, stretching it like a canvas and throwing a frame on it. The earrings hang from the screen. I made one for my mom. It's awesome. You may have to use a wide fillet or slip to cover up whatever stock you use to stretch the screen on.
studs, wire, or clip on's????

For wire styles...........simple old fashion eye hooks inserted in rows on a mat board or fabric covered over luan to hold the eye hooks.

There can be labels below each hook

A "In use" replacement tag could be placed on the hook (s) to indicate where to reattach the earings.
"studs, wire, or clip on's????"

She has studs and wire. Using the screw eyes would be great, very sturdy since she's not a gentle person. In use tag would be cute. Now the studs may present another problem.

Anyone want to tack the studs?

Roxanne Langley
Langley House GAllery
Once upon a time I remember a compressed fiber product that would self heal as a tack or hanger was inserted and/or removed. It looked like the face of a tooth brush with closer fibers. It did not appear to wear out as it was used. A "senior moment" does not let me know where I saw this item.
Rings in a jewelery box have "waves" where you insert the rings into them. I can picture it in my head but I know that does you little good! I would worry about losing the backs to the earings.

How about a shadowbox, with the hoops against the back and a "dish" on the bottom "shelf" for posts. Could also mount a manikan hand to put the rings on! and hang cup holders from the top to hang the necklaces from.
For the studs*, can you incorporate loops of velvet ribbon? The ear wires could be poked through the ribbon and the backings attached since the ribbon would be hanging loose and accessable from both sides.


* It's difficult, but I'm trying to show some restraint.
This little project is actually going to be turned into a shadow box, hubbie called and wants hinged doors on the front of it so now we have some depth to play with. I'm thinking maybe individual compartments across the bottom for the post earrings, that would be easier provided she has more wired than post. Then double doors with plexi so that we lighten up the weight.

I'm sure I'm missing some vital important link here but does this sound logical to everyone.

Langley House Gallery
Use piano hinges and something like Earth Magnets at the closer point to support the door when it's not open. The constant open and closing will weaken the hinges over time. Even gravity when not open will drag on them. I was called in to retrofit a number of "doors" on picture frames done by a local museum because of weakening hinges. I replaced as above and they haven't had a problem. NOTE: they wer not and are not using the doors as often as these will be used.
Originally posted by JFeig:
Once upon a time I remember a compressed fiber product that would self heal as a tack or hanger was inserted and/or removed. It looked like the face of a tooth brush with closer fibers. It did not appear to wear out as it was used. A "senior moment" does not let me know where I saw this item.
It's called Bristle Board.
Originally posted by AWG:
Maybe cork as a backing for the studs???

Make the backing half cork, half luan, cover it all in fabric. Hang the wires and stick the studs.
That doesn't solve the problem of what to do with the earring backs.
I don't have a solution for that and would be curious to know a good one.
Having lived with a wonderful lady for 36 years I have learned a few things about earrings. My wife wears them for work -- but they do irritate her ears.. and she will remove them when irritated. (I'm lucky I haven't irritated her.) She will set them down any place!* Usually by the phones, the kitchen table, the piano and the mantle. Since she is very busy, she doesn't take them to her jewelry box and.......... would be very irritated if I suggested that she put her things away better.

Another framing solution, rather than one large centrally located shadow box, would be to make from $$$$ ornate moulding, several small trays, lined with suede, that could be placed conviently about the home.


*This could be a way the female marks their territory.
One could take a sheet of Coroplast or Cor-X and
cut it so that the flutes would run horizontally.
That should be backed with another board, so that
it is stiffened. That is required, because the
next step is to cut through the outer skin on one
side at every third flute, so that the skin, at
that flute can be removed. The flute below the
one without its skin on one side, should be cut
so that the flute, itself can be removed. This
will leave a vertical lip, over which earrings
with a wire can be hung. "V"'s can be cut in
the surface of that lip so that earrings with
posts can be set into the "V"'s so that the
erring is on one side and the backing is on the
other side. If this is too confusing, a drawing
can be provided.

OK, gotta jump in on this one, since I have the same problem with jewelry myself - only I like to display the stuff I don't wear cause it's so pretty!

A deep shadowbox, nice velvet in the background, and 1/8" thick gold chains looped from hooks so the earrings can be placed and spaced according to their size. My cousin invented this one - had me make up a frame for her with chains stretched across from lip to lip. Since people give me their old costume jewelry, I always have all kinds of chains. I display earrings in my shop in this manner also.

For the post earrings, I would suggest something under the velvet that will "hold" the posts as they are inserted and removed. For the backings, how about a couple of fancy little bowls or dishes that could sit in the bottom of the shadowbox? Earring backs are pretty much interchangeable - now that I think of it - she would only need a few sets of these! She can only wear one set at a time, right (well, depending how many holes she has in her ears...).

Actually, all of the ideas so far sound great on this project! Carry on!
Hi Roxanne

You could use wooden or metal rods or dowels placed horizontally across the shadow box, suspended from the backing inserted in the outside edges of the box and or through a middle vertical bar (which the doors could close on with a magnet).
Drill holes in the rods with the finest nail you have as a drill bit - these should hold the posts. Hook wires over the rods or insert flat bars for clip ons.
The rods could be slid from side to side as required through the middle vertical bar or suspended between the two windows to hang rings etc.
These could be painted or covered with fabric to match backing.

Thanks so much guys and gals!
I'm off to print all of this out and start sketching out a couple of the different ideas that you've offered and a couple of things I've thought about. One thing, I think I'll persuade him to do at least 2 of these instead of 1 huge one. Keep having nightmares of those large doors being opened and closed so much.

I'll try to download a photo of it when we get it finished and let you know what we ended up doing with it.

BTW Mitch, marking territory, you discovered just one of our little secrets.

Have a great day everyone,
Langley House Gallery