RoboFramer... Sorry to say it, but Stithery fabric DOES have LOTS of names. And it goes from about a 6 count fabric, to about a 56 count. The 56 being a fine mesh used for silk thread embroidery, and EXTREAMLY hard to mount.
As for old stitchery smaplers, they can (and have been) stitched on almost any kind of fabric, not just fabric designed FOR stitchery. Most often it was on linnen for making pillows and such.
Some old samplers are on an evenweave, but others are not. I have seen stitcherys on anything from Burlap, to fine silk mesh.
As for mounting these things, they all depend on the age, strength, and size of the fabric.
If you think that this one is ready to fall apart, it might not be sutable for framing.
As Ellen says, "Take what you can use, and leave the rest."