Mount for Old Edison Records .....


PFG, Picture Framing God
Apr 12, 2001
Destin, Florida
I don't know if any of you have tried this yet but it seemed to work quite well for me for a rush job for Christmas.

I had a customer bring in an old Edison record, the thick type, to be framed. I didn't have anything to use for mounting it so I took a wooden cup hanger, the type that you can buy at most craft stores, cut it to length, and epoxied it into the mat/mounting boards. It was fast and easy to do. I painted the cup holder matte black to match the record, nothing fancy, just a quickie for this customer for a gift.

But the cup holder worked very well and it got the job done in a minimum of time. I finished the entire job in about 35 minutes.

An example of the wooden cup hook is laying on the matboard in case I wasn't clear on what I used for a mount. The sequence is record, suede mat with about 1/4" reveal around the record, foam spacer, another suede board for a backing, and another piece of foamcore behind the backing. I bore a hole through everything and used a 2 part epoxy to glue the wooden peg into the entire package.



Like I said, just a simple thing but it may help somebody who is in a bind for mounting one of these records. Preservation was not a concern, the guy wanted to give it to his brother who is a musician, it went into a simple flat profile black wooden frame and cost about $125.

Um, please don't take this personally, but I think that is commonly known as a wooden peg. :D

Like I said, nothing personal here.

I love the idea.... we have a number of old records that we would like to do something with them.
