Moulding sander supplier...


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Apr 8, 2004
Hi all,

I have been in the market for a sander (like the ones sold thru United) for a while.

I know our sponsor carries the name brand and a knock off, and have heard good things about the knock off but am looking for another supplier.

I recently received from PFM the directory issue and saw several other suppliers listed under sanders. Decor being one of them had nothing on their site about a sander. I have not heard of the others and do not know their reputations.

I was hoping someone here would be able to refer me to a supplier that might even be at the New York show.

Basically I am looking for a deal without having to go to Vegas to get one.

Thank you in advance.
Jb -

I think Decor once had them listed in their supplies supplement but unless you have a special from your rep you probably won't get a "deal".

Since you're from the NJ area, M&M Distributors (NJ) sells the ITW/AMP model. They're always at the NY show with all kinds of specials.

Gemini Moulding is another ITW/AMP distributor that's very reputable but ther're out in the midwest - shipping charges!!

There's a lot of distributors, you just have to wait out the good deals on new models or maybe you'll be lucky on one of the "used sites" prior to the NY show. Good luck!

Call your favorite supplier, who is sure to be exhibiting in Las Vegas, during the show and tell him/her you want the "show special" deal. I'll bet they give you that.
I agree with Jim, but if you really want to wait until NY ... a few years ago, I wanted a sander. Went to NY and asked each of the suppliers what their best deal was. Went back and forth until I got what I felt was the best price, then went with Don Mar because their truck delivers to me and there was no shipping charge. (Those things are heavy.)

Not sure they'll all be in NY anymore. The sander is usually NOT one of the "show deals" from what I can tell, but you can use the proximity of the vendors to facilitate negotiations.

Or, just ask your rep for the best price. ;)
Thanks all,

Jim I tried that about a month ago but received no reply.

Just got an email I was hoping for so things may be looking better.

Thanks for the suggestions.