Most Effective Direct Mail Program


MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Nov 15, 2004
Northborough, MA
What has been you single most effective Direct Mail Program/Offerthat you have ever used? What were the results? Have you, or will you, ever done/do it again? What would you change if anything?

The issue of direct mail will have as many opinions as there are Grumblers.

I suggest that you click the <u>search</u> link at the top of this page, and under, “Business Issues” type in the phrase “direct mail”.

You’ll have enough reading to keep you entertained for hours.
Direct mail has not been as effective for us at it has been in the past. We have tried Val-Pak and other coupon magazines with poor results.
Postcards used to work well for us but lately haven't showed much response.
We have recently found a company that does a community coupon magazine. This wouldn't have interested me but they also offer to sell ads on a "detached address card". The card is 8.5"x5.5" is 4 color on the front and 2 color on the back (black + spot color). The total cost to hit 45000 homes is $3250, this includes printing, addressing and postage. That's under .08 per card. The catch is that it has to have their return address and a postal regulation box about delivery of a separate mail piece. At this price I don't expect to ever stop mailing with them.
I have a meeting this afternoon to discus further discounts for a long term commitment.
30 years, I've tried it all, from TV, newspaper, every kind of add from full page to spot ads, to radio, hand outs, billboards, etc.

The thing that has worked the best for me over the years and in many different locations, and has always brought the crowds into the shop has been a direct mail out to my customer list which has been accumulated over the years to almost 5 thousand. I usually do this mail out on a US post card, cost about 24 cents, and we do the printing here at the shop on a hp 1100 printer.

We do this usually in a open house format, offering refreshments, specials, of all kinds, and door prizes, and we top it off by giving away a framed art piece as top prize. Each customer has to bring in their card to register for the top prize, all other prizes can be registered for at the shop. We add these names to our customer list unless customer ask us not to.

We have had as many as 500+ come through the doors, after a mail out event. We usually have it on the week-end, Sat 9-6, and Sun. 1-5....

If you have never tried it, give it a shot, if you do not have a customer list yet, start with any local groups that will give you a members list, as well as local churches, who usually print out a directory each year of their members, and it is readily available to anyone.

Good luck and have a great time.......retail can be a ball.....Tommy

i was visiting your web site, do you do custom framing? I didn't see any thing about it on your site.

You sound like you may be more of a gift show then a art gallery and framer. Is that true?

The Direct mail that we have done has always returned quite well for us. Our first offering was a thank you note with a dollar off coupon in it mailed out to all of our customers it returned 20%, in a timely manner and I am still getting customers coming in with them a year later.

The second direct mail we did was a purchased list of needleworker's only and I did a modification of a card on the Columbia publishing CD and am still getting those back also.
For a cold advertising card I highly recommend purchasing a targeted mailing list this has worked very well for us.

Jill Hennes
Omro Gallery
Jennifer, yes I frame full time, at least when I not playing the little white ball, or a little Texas hold'em or trying to corral a herd of grandkids.

I do custom framing, but do not advertise much, as it takes most of my time to frame for the shop. I am for the most part the frame shop, with occasional help from time to time. I have a 8000 wizard, 500 TX heat press, PMA machine, and a Fletcher 3000 wall cutter. I use a 12" Dewalt miter saw, with the phaedra system, and a Amp joiner. I have sold all other equiqment. I am a dealer for the Thomas Kinkade, along with about 20 or so others. I do a lot of Alabama, Auburn pic, especially toward Christmas. Found out a long time ago, that if framing wasn't working all the the time, then other things might.

We carry a line of small accent tables, and other items that will enhance our pics, and they sell well in the $100-350- price range. The gift items have contributed much to our bottom line, but our prints, and pics bring home the bacon.

I took the CPF exam in 94, and passed and always go to the Atlanta Decor show......hope this answered most of your questions about us, like anymore info, just email me....Good luck.....

Pardon the website, it is down at the moment, we have a bug in our computer that is not letting us download our updates.....