Morso Chopper


Grumbler in Training
Feb 9, 2006
Fort Lauderdale,Florida
Hi all, with my Morso chopper on the left side I use a moulding support stand, I wonder if an original (Morso accessory)left side extension will improve the accuracy ? Anyone uses a left Side Extension on his Chopper?
I use a left hand extension, it should not be an optional extra, I think it a necessity.

Mine was cheap too - not a genuine Morso accessory, but it is fine.
Seems like an attached extension would take up a lot of valuable space. I use the Official Morgan Triangle, 3 lengths of foamcore joined in a triange cylandar approx. 34" tall. I can move it around according to the length of the modlg and then put it away and roll my heat press back in place when I'm not chopping. I used scraps, didn't cost a thing. Works for me.
The Morgan Triangle was modified for mldg supports with the miter vises too. And covered with fabric and laid flat for a Wreltney Wrack.
(aka fillet rack)
Oh good grief, just re-read my post....Captain English is probably cringing. That's "cylinder", not cylandar; moulding, not modlg; triangle, not triange. It is, however a Wreltney Wrack! Sorry Captain, but I caught myself. Bust be the bug id by head. 'Chooo!
Val I agree for the space that is why I use 2 adjustable stands (when cutting a 10' stick) on the left side.
As the Morso left arm is long and attached to the body of the chopper I was under the impression the stick had less chances to move, resulting in a better 45 cut.Space or accuracy?
As long as the 10-12' length is supported by whatever it is supported by, I get both space and accuracy. It's the blade adjustment and rabbet supports that will change the accuracy of the 45-degree angle for me. Holding my mouth just right and holding my breath helps too - ha! ;)
I had the left-side support with my first Morso, and thought I would really miss it with this one, stressed about it,in fact but I haven't, as long as I use my Morgan Triangle Cylinder (my husband made it for me, hence the name!), miters are fine.
I use a $20-30 adjustable carpenters stand. Works great, lightweight and it folds up to put away. I can't afford the space either Val.
I have a 22' long table that serves as both my saw table and the chopper table. Each are located about a third of the way down from each side. The saw has a left hand extension and the Morso a right hand extension. In between is an elevated 1 X 7 piece of lumber to create one long continuous cutting table.

Dave Makielski