Morso Chopper woes


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Jun 13, 2002
Sacramento, California
I'm having trouble with our Morso chopper. We have new blades (purchased directly from Tech Mark 2 months ago.) The back edge of my chops are chipping away. I'm trying to chop smaller version of LJ athena and am getting frustrated. Any suggestions on how to remedy this problem?
Four Corners
Isn't there an adjustment that lets you cut deeper into the moulding. And leave plenty of wood for that last stomp. I have noticed that if there is more wood there on the last chomp, it cuts cleaner and doesn't shread my moulding.

Also make sure there is no crap under your foot and its going down all the way.
Loosen your blades, all six bolts. Tighten to just under finger tight, you should still be able to move your blades. Pull them forward, toward the fence. Offset one blade slightly. Tighten the blades down carefully, make sure they do not move at all. This is usually the problem, that or dull blades. You may have to do this dance several times till you get it right.

Four Corners the problem you have described can be caused by many different things. I haven't used my Morso in a long time but from what i rember here are some things I would look at. First ( iam not familiar wiyh Athena ) profile but any profile that has a ligthly hollow spot on the back of the moulding will cause this problem ina chopper. yhe cause is one inherent to a shear . the blade is comeing down and there is no support on this hollow spot which even with the sharpest blades can slightly crush the unsupported section.

Contrary to what was suggested the best cutting method with a chopper is to make the last cut as small as the notches will allow.. There normally are set incraments and the last one is about 1/2 the rest. this gives a smooth finishing cut and also requires less pressure to cut makeing crushing less likely.

There coulld also be proble with the blade alignment .As john suggested you should loosen all the six bolts and hand tighten the center bolt while aligning the forwrd edges of the to blades assureing the they meet perfectly ( (nether extended further then the other) Then snug up the center bole and then proceed to snug up the others in matching sequences and when you have then secured and are sure they still meet perffectly tighten them down completely.

Still another feature is a small cam on the underside of the table that is flat on two sides and rounded on the others .this cam is located in the center of the v formed by the lower blades and turning it with a wrench in either directionwill adjust the fence forward and back bringing it closer or futher away from the contact with the Knives or upper blades .you should adjust this to be as snug as you can while not restricting the up and down movenet of the Knives as they cut. this will assure the best support for the back of all profiles ( even if they aren't Hollow backed)

And if none of my rmabling is helpful contact Tech Mark 2 and describe what is happening and what you ahve attempted to remedy the problem.