Bill Henry-
Brussel Sprout Connoisseur
All of a sudden my Internet Explorer brower crapped out. I'm getting a "Specified Server could not be found" error message and thus I cannot connect.
Netscape Navigator (which I am forced to use now), Eudora and Fetch can find the server okay, but not IE for some reason. I have been into the "preferences" menu panes and everything seems to be the same.
I have checked the "Preference Panels" folder (in the IE folder) and none of the modification dates indicate a recent change.
I suspect that the changes have occured in the "IE cache.waf" file (I may be way off here), but, unfortunately, I don't back up anything with the word "cache" in it.
Any suggestions?
Netscape Navigator (which I am forced to use now), Eudora and Fetch can find the server okay, but not IE for some reason. I have been into the "preferences" menu panes and everything seems to be the same.
I have checked the "Preference Panels" folder (in the IE folder) and none of the modification dates indicate a recent change.
I suspect that the changes have occured in the "IE cache.waf" file (I may be way off here), but, unfortunately, I don't back up anything with the word "cache" in it.
Any suggestions?