Mirror in a Nielsen frame


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jan 15, 2005
Martha's Vineyard Vineyard Haven MA
We have a order for 2 22 x 48 x 1/4 mirrors in Nielsen frames (style #15) for bathrooms in a resort hotel. We might decide to go with 1/8 thick.
What would be the prefered way to mount them in the metal frame? I am thinking coroplast backing and Nielsen spring clips.
What would be the best way to mound to the wall?
Would security wall buddies for metal work?
Thanks Doug
stacked metal frames look really smart on mirrors - if they'd go for it. Not a lot of extra cost but the enhanced visual design might be a nice plus.
I had a similar discussion with a travel agent that I am doing 8 metal frames for. We are going to use 2 euro hangers on the top rail, and put screws in the wall. Flat head screws should fit through the keyhole opening on the eurohanger and hold the frame snugly to the wall. The hangers can be moved side to side to allow for misplaced screws and will look okay as long as the screws are level (horizontal).


I found this image on the net that is similar to what I use, except I get ones with a longer keyhole slot. If you can imagine this on the top rail, facing down.
