Mirror Hanging help

Eric A

CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Oct 14, 2020
Sarasota, FL
Artfinity Giclee Printing
I have three mirriors that I am putting in metal frames. They are 20" x 60" with 1/4" mirror. These things are heavy! how do I put hangers on them? On a wood frame I would use Z-bar but I do not see how I would do that on metal. How much can normal metal hangers hold? They weigh 30lbs.
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Have you thought about wall buddies for metal frames? Don't know what their lb rating is, but that's where my mind goes immediately
I did not know they made those. That sounds like a good plan. My other concern is will plates that hold the frame together hold and the mirror not take the bottom leg off and the mirror slide out?
The mirror is putting all its weight on the bottom rail, and the mirror has some mechanical advantage with the weight being all the way to the face and the hardware all the way to the foot.
Wall buddies for metal are clip in plastic, or thin aluminum. Not nearly strong enough.

I would shift the bearing away from the frame and onto a strainer frame glued to the back of the mirror. The strainer can be modified to make a French Cleat or use aluminum cleats.


Edit: Drawing done in haste. Leave room for access to the mechanisms to hold the mirror in place.
I had also thought of metal wall buddies. But weight on the bottom would be a concern.

I like that idea of a strainer frame.

I have removed mirrors that have been held in a wood frame with hot glue, but for some reason don't feel that would be ideal for bearing weight in the manner described in Wally's description.

For those of us who don't work with mirrors often, what is an appropriate adhesive to bond wood to the mirror?
Is there risk of the mirror coating being damaged?
There is a metal cleat Z bar hanger available for Nielsen metal moulding. It has holes drilled every 6" for the wall side. it measures 0.18" thick and 1" high and comes as a 10' length.
Available from Folkgraphis Frames as part number 110149. 1-800-661-9718 for more information.
There is a metal cleat Z bar hanger available for Nielsen metal moulding. It has holes drilled every 6" for the wall side. it measures 0.18" thick and 1" high and comes as a 10' length. View attachment 50695 Available from Folkgraphis Frames as part number 110149. 1-800-661-9718 for more information.
It does not fit my series. but I think I am going to order some just to have it in case in the future!
It does not fit my series. but I think I am going to order some just to have it in case in the future!
Some framers report they just use the standard z bar cleat system that is intended for wood frames, maybe that would fit whatever brand you have. Request that a supplier provide a small piece so you can see if it might work.
Happy Framing!
I live the Nielsen hangers are designed to support the weight from the top channel. The bottom channel is where all the weight is.
The security hangers for metal could work if you hit studs with the T-bolts. They are pretty heavy duty and studs will hold a lot of weight.
None of the hangers that engage the channel in metal mouldings address the fact that the corners of the frames are held together at the foot where the hardware is, and the mirror is exerting downward pressure on the lower rail at the face. The lower corners are bound to open up at the face.
Making the mirror the support for the frame avoids all that.
My thought with the metal security hangers was that they could be placed on the bottom rail to support the weight of the mirror, with the top (or sides) to simply support the piece upright.
Getting at least one (or both) into a wall stud would definitely be ideal.
Just an idea, I've never done this. But it is basically the same principal as any of the typical type of "cleat" hangers intended for unframed mirrors.
The bottom hardware is weightbearing, the upper ones are supportive.
Eric, can you post an image of the profile of the moulding you are using?
After talking to the designer I have found all my concerns were pointless. The mirrrors are going to sit in coves built in the house and will not be hung. I wish they would have mentioned that earlier. Thank you all for your help!
You mean they are going to sit on the floor, leaning against the wall? Be sure the designer knows they need to be affixed in some way, for safety.
:coffeedrinker2: Rick
She did not go into details and I did not ask! The more involved I am the more liability I have!