Microsoft Excel Question


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Founding Member
Jul 30, 1997
Leawood, Kansas USA
I'd like to e-mail the same message to a group of e-mail addresses in an Excel spreadsheet. I can do one at a time, but no way am I able to figure out how to do many at the same time.

What am I doing wrong? I've searched every website on earth using "E-Mailing to a Group in Excel" and I get no results at all of any kind.

Anyone do this?
Why do you have to do it the hard way? Excel was not really meant to be an email program.

Once you click on any email address in Excel, it will start your email client and send just ONE email, even if you highlight them all.

Better: Put all those addresses in your email account, say Yahoo or whatever, make a list and email them all at once.

Now you're a SPAM professional...! ;)
Paul, does that mean that it is not possible to do what I'm trying? The reason for the effort is that the addresses in the spreadsheet are able to be transferred to another person as an attachment so she may obtain them without entering them all on her own.

Is there a way to transfer a group of contacts from Outlook Express to be exported? I'm tired of typing in 85 names everytime I want to do this. Windows Address Book is its own program, I know, but I haven't mastered how to separate it out from OE so I can transfer it to someone else. Do you know?
You can export the addresses in Outlook Express as a file that Excel or Outlook Express users can import:

Go to Tools / Address Book / File / Export and select the file type .wab for OE and CSV for Excel.
One last question: this group is imbedded in my personal WAB, even though it has its own name within that. Can I break out just that group? I tried selecting the names/addresses, it highlights but won't cut/paste into a Word document.

Any help on how to cut away just part of a WAB?
depending on how your excel file is laid out you should be able to save it in a format that others can use. you will need to have one column for each piece of information you are sending. if it's just email addresses it should be very easy - just one column of the addresses. if you have more than one "field", like firstname, lastname, city, state, phone, etc, it would be best if the very top one was the description. then do "File > SaveAs" and select type CSV (Comma Separated Values). That file can now be imported into just about any email program address book.
That's one of the reasons that I hate being pushed into using Microsoft Excel. Lotus allowed import and export of data without file operations, but they were a disaster adapting to Windows.

Pat :D