Mickey Mouse Corner Cut

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This one quite easy and is done with a hand Dexter matcutter.

1. Cut a sheet of FoamX brand formcore as you would any regular mat using a 4 inch with sides and top and 5 inches on bottom. Make sure you mark the back so you can line up the cutout later.

2. Size up a second sheet of foamcore to the same outside dimentions as the mat you just cut. On the backside markout lines on sides and top at 4, 3, 2 inches. On the bottom side of the mat make lines at 5, 4, 3, 2 inches.


3. Using a compass place the fixed end on the bottom inside corner, fix the width to the next line out " 1inch out " and make an arch. Widen the compass " 2inch out " and make a second arch.

4. In the top corners the Mickey Mouse is made with three circles 1-1/2 center and 1 inch for the ears.

5. The center bottom can be open or closed your choice.

6. Using a hand Dexter cutter set at 45deg cutting angle cut the overlay out. Foamcore cut easy. Just remember to be accurate and when needed use a small blade when needed in the corners. Use a streightedge when you can but freehand the corners and mice.

7. When cutout, turn over and place the cutout back in the hole that it came out. Using removable 3M frosted tape tape the cutout back into place 2 inch strips of tape across the cutout works well.

8. Turn over again, place 1/2 inch wide super sticky ATG on the back of the overlay.

take off the atg paper and expose the tape

9. Tricky part. Hold the mat part vertical, hold the overlay part vertical, get them close to line up at the bottom first. When you are ready press the mats together.

10. Take the removable tape off the top of the overlay. Carefully remove the top part.

11. Use another piece of foamcor the same size as the mat for a backboard.

12. Cut 3x40 inch strips of release paper

13. Cut 12 - 1/2 x 3 inch strips of scrape foamcore.

14. Place the mat on top of the backing board, then raise up the mat using the 12 strips of foamcore so the mat is raised off the backboard by 1/4 inch.

15. Using UM fabric adhesive (heat reactivated) paint the whole mat bevel included.

16. When dry replace the formcore strips with the release paper strips. So the mat doesn't stick to the backing when heated.

17. Place the fabric of your choice over the whole mat. Replace the center cutout. Place the top part that matches the cutout back on top and press together.

18. Trim the excess fabric from the edges and tape the package together at the edges.

19. Place in a hot vac press for 30 minutes at 200 deg's. Just like a TV dinner. You may also use a regular style drymount press like a 500T and heat in sections giving 30 minutes to each section. In both cases I like to place a sheet of matboard between the mat and the heat plate.



I'm sure I missed something?
Here's another one. The color is off in the photo the fabric is regular offwhite linin.

Rather than having to paint on the UM fabric adhesive, you could substitute Seal's Fusion 4000 dry mounting tissue/film. It is a pure adhesive (ph neutral)with no paper carrier and therefore is pliable. After cutting and placing the adhesive over the piece, continue by placing the fabric over the adhesive and replacing your mat fall-outs as you stated. When placed in the heat press it will react like your fabric adhesive and you do not need to get a liquid product near your artwork.
I am a framer who is aways looking for great ideas. This is very good. I will keep it for reference.
Thank you for sharing.
:D :D :D