Memoibilia Shadowbox

Terry Hart cpf

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Sep 23, 2003
Excelsior, MN
I thought I'ld post this up & see how you liked it. It got a very emotional response from the customer. Simple LJ mldg & fillet. Corner designs are pressed into suede board. The little silver mount under the picture holds a piece of shrapnel extracted from the fellows (customers grandfather)leg. Terry
Yes, yes - tell us how you pressed the suede!!! I know that rubber stamps can be heated with an iron and pressed into shiney velvet (the rayon stuff) to great effect - but suede matboard - I must give this a try tomorrow!

Might be a good save for a suede mat that has some marks on it!!! Give the customer a little extra and save a suede today!!!

Thanks for the compliments! I cut a design out of 2ply rag bd. and moisten slightly with a damp towel. Place the damp side down on your suede board and pop it in the heat press for a minute (use a normal dry mount temp.- 180 or so). Best to weight it after coming out of the press but be careful the design doesn't shift on you! Viola! A pressed design! Terry

I played with rubber stamps and suede board today. Devilishly difficult to photograph!

Here's how I did it. Set iron on polyester. Take rubber stamp (NOT foam, NOT polymer) and moisten with finger dipped into water. Press stamp against iron. Wait a few seconds until it stops sizzling. Press HARD into suede for a few seconds. Works best on medium colored boards.

That's all folks!

Works best with stamps designed for walls. Less etched detail and more flat surfaces in the design. There are MILLIONS of rubber stamps out there! What a gold mine!!!

Now I have to make up some shop samples to show the customers so I can browbeat them into letting me do this!!! LOL!
Just think - we can decorate those pieces of suede that have those little "dings" in them to make them previously unusable!!! Stuff is hard to store and I never throw away ANY of the scraps!!!
Thanks for the tips on creating the designs in suede mats you great framers you!

Terry, I really like the shadowbox. What made you think of attempting (and definitely accomplishing) the 'pressed' suede board? Such a perfect decorative addition to this piece!
As to how I cut it, #11 X-acto blade, 4 times. You need to press all at once. It doesn't work to put the piece back into the press multiple times. But you can use the same cut outs multiple times. I've used that one a number of times. The Wizard has opened up more possibilities. As to how I started doing it. I don't remember exactly. I know I started doing it not long after suede boards came on the market. I suppose I scuffed one and realized if I did it on purpose I could charge for it.
I am experimenting with this. But my imprints are very very subtle. I assume this is the reason for Framar's comment of "Devilishly difficult to photograph!"

Terry, your imprints appear remarkably prominent. Is this just in the photograph or am I doing something wrong?
Well, they may not be as prominent as the stamps but they should be pretty well defined. If anything they are clearer in person than on the screen. At least my screen. Be sure your design is damp (doesn't have to be soggy). Play with the pressure, time & temp. Let it cool under weight if possible. Hopefully with a little experimentation you'll get good results. Maybe try a 4ply cutout, that may help you get started.
Ok I'm finally getting around to posting my pic. Here is what I came up with.

Whatcha think?


I hope you'll forgive me but your photo was a bit dark and didn't show the treatment in the corners of the suede mat. I lightened it just a bit in PhotoShop and have posted it here.


That looks really classy and adds so much to an otherwise generic looking suede mat. I must commend all of you for working with this concept and coming up with so many good ideas, techniques, and modifications to Terry's original concept. And I applaud you, Terry, for having the creativity to experiment with this and come up with a really neat new concept in matboard adornment.


Jay that is grand. Don't you dare show that to my wife or she'll start talking about those dang columns again....

Whats is the stamp in the corners?
For once I'm going to be serious. Its an honor to hear that from you.

Back to the nonsense:

Its one of the ugly corners from wizard that I never thought I would have a use for. As it turns out I don't have a use for it but I can take the fallouts and tape them to a scrap piece of matboard and use them. Thanks to Terry's idea.
Hey, leave the honor stuff at the door. I put my pants on backwards on occation too. One leg at a time when I'm having a good day.

Terry is one to pay attention to also. If he and I ever spend some serious (?) time together, there will be a shift in the force. :D

I just don't know where Excelsior, MN is.... yet.
I think it would be a gas to invade his shop for a week.... I bet there could be some SERIOUS amounts of work not getting done... but we could teach a conventions worth of blaimstorming coming out the other side.
Looks great Jay, I recognize the Wizard cut. The Wizard has really made it a lot easier to get some nice patterns to work with. I was going to ask if you had any trouble keeping the pieces placed where you wanted them but I see from your last post you got that one figured out. As to Baers' wondering where Excelsior, MN is. Follow the Mississippi north from New Orleans to Minnehaha creek. Climb above the falls and paddle your canoe to Lake Minnetonka and cross over to Excelsior Bay. We're on the left. Baer may be from the birthplace of Louie Louie but Excelsior inspired Mick Jagger to write "You can't always get what you want..." If I find out you're a homebrewer too, yeah, we could definetly get serious amounts of non work done .
I am sooo impressed!! What a fantastic idea!!

I have got to try this!
That was way cool. I am going to stay extra late and work on this idea. That is what we do after we lock up in the evening is'nt it? I mean, is there life after framing???