Medal display

Terry Hart cpf

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Sep 23, 2003
Excelsior, MN
Just finished this box & thought I'd show the parts and finished project. Crappy pictures as usual so I'll give brief descriptions.
This is the mount. The medal boxes are passed through a hole in the mat (seen on the right) that is small enough that the back edge rim of the box catches the back of the opening and stays put. The backround is a fine weave linen.
This is the spacer that I didn't photograph very well. It's about 1/2" thick and the openings are wrapped with the same fabric as the backround.
This is the mat with a little newspaper article and the date line and fill-its around the openings for the medals. Antique satin fabric wrapped.
This is the whole package in a simple gold frame. I sure hope this posts better than the preview which has all the pictures and descriptions mixed around. But then I'm sure you'll sort it all out.
There is nothing I love better to do than frame miltary medals... and I think I am stealing an idea or two of yours for my next set!
Nice design Terry.
I frame a lot of military medals and ribbons and it's good to get some fresh ideas for framing them.
Great job, Terry. I can just imagine the hours involved in that project! I never thought of framing the boxes that the medals came in - great idea. I'm sure your customer loved the finished product.
Very nice arrangement, Terry, esp. the opening around the medals and the color behind them. Would have never have thought of either!!

Sometimes we get the newspaper clipping put on a metal plate.