Matting options?


Oct 21, 2005
Hi Folks,

Anyone tried "leather" mats? Do you like them? Are they suitable for conservation framing? Are they buffered even?

I've also heard about "silk wrapped" mats. Are these difficult to buy/make/construct? If they are a "home made" effort, any tips on how to make them? When they are suitable for use (your favorite time to use them)?

I've seen a number of posts about people adding ribbon, threads or "beads" to matting. Archival glues? What about the thread/ribbon and concerns about conservation framing standards ... is this an issue?

Thanks for your opinions/info !!!

Both leather and silk are proteins and by themselves, they are fine. Residues from the
tanning process and finishing materials added to
silk can make them more dangerous to use
and that issue must be addressed before either is
used in a preservation setting. Gluing ribbon,
thread or other fabric to a window can be done with cooked starch paste or acrylic medium, but
adding beads poses the problem of their coming loose and rattling around in the frame.

Hi Folks,

Surely more people have an opinion on this don't you? I'm surprised that only one person has responsed to this ...

Again, thanks in advance for your input!!!
Originally posted by ArtistConvert:
Surely more people have an opinion on this don't you? I'm surprised that only one person has responsed to this ...

Okay ...

I agree with everything that Hugh had said.
Hi Peter,
We have used Leather mats several times without any consequence. The only problem that may occur is a phenomenon refered to as newton's rings were the glass rests on the mats. So, when we use a leather mat we cut strips of 4 ply mat under the lip of the frame between the glass and mat for space so this doesn't happen.

Other than that, leather mats are gorgeous in certain applications, and we do not hesitate to use them.

Hugh said it all and, as usual, very concisely and with good authority.

Dave Makielski

and I sell silk for wrapping mats..

which did you want to learn how to do?

WARNING: If you ask a question and Hugh gives you and answer... it may be a thread killer because it is a very diffinitive answer. Don't just blow it off.

You actually asked about seven questions in one short post there!

Do a search for fabric wrapped mats here. There has been lots of discussion about them and I think framer has some pics posted as well.

There are many fabrics that look like leather and suede. I have made some handsome mats with these materials.

In general, though, I do not let anything but rag board come within one inch of fine art.

I have made paper wrapped mats with a neat handmade paper that looks just like leather when it's done. You could explore that.

It has taken me a few years to come up with when a certain fabric is suitable for certain artwork. A few of my favorite combinations are: silk or antique satin wrapped mats with watercolors, wrapped paper with collage and photos, heavier textures (like linen) work nicely with acrylics and oils, etc. Mind you, I have broken many of these 'rules' with success!

Dang, that piece is divine!

edie the giddyupmar goddess
Thanks for all the input. BTW, I certainly did not mean to discount Hugh's input/opinion by my request for additional suggestions. I have read many of his posts here and recognize greatness when I see it

Hi Baer,

I am interested in all of these techniques. How do you suggest I proceed in my self-education?

I recomend Nona Powers book on Color & Design!