Hi Folks,
Anyone tried "leather" mats? Do you like them? Are they suitable for conservation framing? Are they buffered even?
I've also heard about "silk wrapped" mats. Are these difficult to buy/make/construct? If they are a "home made" effort, any tips on how to make them? When they are suitable for use (your favorite time to use them)?
I've seen a number of posts about people adding ribbon, threads or "beads" to matting. Archival glues? What about the thread/ribbon and concerns about conservation framing standards ... is this an issue?
Thanks for your opinions/info !!!
Anyone tried "leather" mats? Do you like them? Are they suitable for conservation framing? Are they buffered even?
I've also heard about "silk wrapped" mats. Are these difficult to buy/make/construct? If they are a "home made" effort, any tips on how to make them? When they are suitable for use (your favorite time to use them)?
I've seen a number of posts about people adding ribbon, threads or "beads" to matting. Archival glues? What about the thread/ribbon and concerns about conservation framing standards ... is this an issue?
Thanks for your opinions/info !!!