Mats with three borders same size and one larger


Grumbler in Training
Nov 26, 2003
Tampa, FL
Actually I have two questions (1) I have a print with three borders at one inch and one border at three inches. How do I maintain an even mat border with these types of measurements without trimming the three inch border? Question # (2)is there a longer blade used for the Fletcher mat cutter when cutting form core board, if not please help me with an easier way without having to turn the boa :confused: rd over?
The easiest solution for that print is to simply make your mat borders something over 3" all around. If it is an LE print and is signed outside the image (in the border) you will have to make some modifications to this to accomodate the border where the signature and number is located.

Regarding cutting foamboard on your Fletcher, I am assuming that you are talking about 3/16" foamboard. You should be able to cut 1/8" with no problems. Try extending your blade and locking it in place if possible. I will probably be very little help here as I cut all my foamboard on a Fletcher Wall cutter.

Yes, just extend the straight-cut blade out in the magazine to cut 3/16" fomeboard. I usually leave it extended, since - even with a wall cutter - I routinely use my Fletcher mat cutter to trim fomecore after dry mounting.

Unlike the bevel blade, it isn't going to hurt anything to have the straight-cut blade extended too far, as long as it's not bottoming out in the cutting channel.

No offense, Felichia, but these questions are so fundamental that they probably wouldn't be addressed in any but the most basic framing classes. It's perfectly appropriate to ask them here (or, really, on the main Grumble forum) but you need to find some formal instruction or hire a patient, experienced framer to look over your shoulder for a while and do some coaching.

[ 11-27-2003, 09:32 AM: Message edited by: Ron Eggers ]
Felichia, I have different cutters for the mat and for the foamcore. It's much easier than having to keep moving the blade in and out and they don't cost much.(I put a tape on the handle of one so I can tell them apart at a glance.) Extend the blade where the last hole is at the very end of the blade and put the guard over it tightly. It works fine.
Glad to know that there is a nother "newbie" in the forum.