matching a frame???


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Mar 25, 2004
Tampa, FL
Hi y'all

I'm trying to match a really heavily made, rounded silver "chrome"/metal frame that is stamped "NIELSER 1811" (not NielseN) on the back, along with measurement markes & the numbers 9, 10, 11, 12. It's 3/4" wide and 1" deep and was, supposedly, sold by Deck the Walls some 3-5 years ago. Any idea who sells this stuff? Thanks for any help! w.w.
I just had to look at my samples and some of my Nielsen samples do look like they say Nielser! Half of the lettering on the back seems to have been poorly stamped. I have no clue what the numbers stamped on the backs mean, they don't seem to be related to a serial number or model number.

Check your Neilsen specifier for the shape you are trying to match, or go to their website and look at their on-line catalog.

Good Luck!
thanks guys!
j must be right about that nos on back---neilsen doesnt have such numbers...guess that'd be too darn simple for us idiots ???? so 1811 = 11th month of the 18th year in biz??? nothing quite so straight forward!!!
Originally posted by BILL WARD:
heavily made, rounded silver "chrome"/metal frame .... It's 3/4" wide and 1" deep and was, supposedly, sold by Deck the Walls some 3-5 years ago.
Sounds like Neilsen profile 75