Mat Templates


Grumbler in Training
Mar 15, 2004
Southeast Indiana
I have been searching for a set of mat cutting templates - the ones for designer corners etc. I realize that the wizard has eliminated the need for these, but I am wizardless. If anyone has any information, please advise.

Vicky I'll check mine( I think I have almost every gadget made for mat decorating.LOL) when I return to the shop for addres and /or phone numbers. However if my memory serves me thay were produced by someone( A lady named Nebletts I think) in Jackson Mississippi and ditributed by a few different companys.

However I great substitute for cameo designs to carve in the mats ,is to get some wall painting stencils on Nylon. You can trace them on the mats( front or rear) and use your choice of cutting tool (from an Exacto knife to my favorite the dexter Jr.) to execute the cut.
I have a set that you are welcome to. I think I even might know where they are! Send your address privately...
Being wizardless as well, these sound interesting. I have never heard of them... Does this go beyond the books that explain the cuts!?!


I've been looking for these templates too. United use to carry them but have discontinued carrying them. Did anyone come up with where to find them? I should have bought them when they were available.
Originally posted by Vicky:
I have been searching for a set of mat cutting templates - the ones for designer corners etc. I realize that the wizard has eliminated the need for these......
Vicky and A.Wise,

Neither of you should have any problem finding a used set from a framer for sale.

It was not only the advent of the CMC that put this little set of templates to is the fact that the templates themselves are virtually useless if you understand how mat cutters work accurately.

The template creates a shape that is based on the template location, and yet all straightline mat cutting accurracy is based on the cuts relationship to the mat guide.

You wouldn't normally cut a double mat independently, but rather use the guide to maintain uniformity on the second level. Why then, would you draw an outline and then eye the cuts without the use of the mat guide.

Honestly, they may give you some ideas on design, but you can obtain that information from a number of reference books available.

John (Teaching mat cutting at the moment in Wellington, New Zealand)
Actually the one I was looking for was a star shape. I used it in a class and thought it was great. But the ones United carried didn't have the star.