Mat Maestro

There was one on e-bay a while back. Minimum bid was something like $900 and, the last time I checked, nobody had offered that.

I paid $800 for shipping on mine.

Actually, if it's in "working order" (which means something different in this case) this could be a good opportunity for someone who is both stubborn and resourceful (common traits among framers.)

I feel sorry for you because this thread is going to be hi-jacked! It's just begging for it!

When I first saw I thought, What's Ron up to now!

I want to know why Stanley and Ron's Mat Maestro haven't written in yet?!

Good luck with your efforts to rid yourself of the machine, I wish I lived closer......
Sorry... I just HAD to do that!!
framah, I don't think it was an even trade.

Wizard had to pay Judy a few grand, I'm sure.

Never mind the price, Jerry. What you should be asking is, "Is this Mat Maestro currently cutting mats?"

If it is, it could be a good deal for someone. I'm sure I don't have the only functioning Mat Maestro in the world, but they are quite rare. They probably sold 100 of them, but they only built about 50 and many of those never worked.

If it's not working now, it probably never will.
I am running the software on XP on an old laptop that should even be able to run XP. It works great, but that's another story.
Alot of wise cracking no offers.
I have a college student who could use it. If it will cut mats send me a money order for $150.00 and I will pick it up. No Ron I won't take yours too!
Seriously come on Gang The guy wants to sell.
It does cut mats doesn't it? Just post that it does cut and is working and all this chiding will stop. Won't it?
I am being absolutely serious (except for the part about Wizard paying Judy the difference.)

Regal Crown Industries sold a lot more Mat Maestros than they actually built and many of them have never worked properly.

The ones that DO work are solid machines and will probably outlive me. I am happier with the Mat Maestro than I was without it. I would be happier still if I'd bought a Wizard, Eclipse or Fletcher.