Mat Maestro Help

Rob Markoff

PFG, Picture Framing God
Mar 8, 1999
San Diego, CA USA
I have a client who was given a Mat Maestro as a donation. They have asked me to help them get it to cut better mats. Apparently it is hooking about an inch but only on two sides!

I have not seen the machine yet. I am very Wizard knowledgable but want to know if anyone out there has had a similar problem and could you share what you did to improve the cut.

Is there a Mat Maestro useer's forum?
Rob, that's not one of the problems I've encountered with the Mat Maestro, but it's still early in the day.

At one time, Gibson-Koler in Seattle was offering parts and service for the Mat Maestro. I haven't had any recent contact with them but the phone number I have is 866 875-0102.

Framing Adhesive Specialties is another Seattle company with some parts and service, at 206 763-9420. I'm pretty sure this is what's left of the old Regal Crown Industries, but that's certainly not official.

I would guess there are less than 50 Mat Maestros in use today, but I just spent $700 to have mine moved 50 miles, so I hope to be using it for some time.

Good luck to your client. There have been times when the only reason my Mat Maestro has survived through the day is because it takes three men to move it and it won't fit through the door.
Framing Adhesive specialties is owned by the same sack of **** who used to own the Mat Maestro company.

I just realized that I FINALLY have forgotten his name! :D :D

When we were working to squelch his bankruptcy attempts, there was one of the machine owners who made it his hobby to follow him and find out what he was doing. He tracked him down to the Adhesive place. At that time, his girlfriend was supposedly the owner...yeah, right!!

If you need help, with the machine, definitely do not call them!!!

Call the first guys that Ron mentioned. They actually were pretty nice guys to deal with. Even tho they had worked there, they didn't have anything to do with the scamming, deceit and outright lies that went on.

My condolences to your friend.

Marvin Brecht.

I was trying to be discrete (or descrete - I'm not sure) about Framing Adhesives. Thanks for clearing that up for us.
Sort of right up there with lawyers and spammers.
Hooking on the mat maestro is caused by an incorrect adjustment of the z coordinate. Reducing or eliminating this is a matter of trial and error changes in that coordinate. The setting should be at about zero. Every machine will have a slightly different setting. Click on settings, then advanced, find the z coord. box, write the setting down and change the number by three; up or down doesn't really matter at first. Use negative numbers if necessary. Cut a test mat and see if the problem is better or worse. If worse, you're changing the settings the wrong way (if you subtracted 3 and its worse, add three to the original setting and cut another test). The z setting controls the alignment of the cutting head. If the head isn't aligned properly the blade will pull out, or in, when the head starts to move. After saying all of that I seem to remember something else about what to do when the problem is only on one axis but without having the program in front of me I can't remember what. I'll check tomorrow and see if I can figure it out.

You might also want to call Larry at G-K Enterprises. I'm not sure that 800 number works. I've got his cell phone number at work; I'll get that tomorrow also.
As I said last night, you control hooking by adjusting the z setting. If there is inward hooking, increase the z setting; try one degree increments, not 3 as I suggested. For outward hooking, decrease the z number. I couldn't find any other adjustment in the program that I think would affect hooking. Is the hooking in the horizontal or vertical cuts?

Larry Koler was the one who developed the control boxes for these mat cutters and seems to be the only person who knows how the machines work. His cell # is 206-321-1805, e-mail It's a good idea to write down all of your settings before you start changing them. I hope all of this helps.