Mat decorating ideas

B. Newman

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Sep 5, 2001
Kodak, Tn. USA
I have been going bonkers here the last few days after the thread on decorating suede matboard with embossing. That really inspired me.

I've tried the cutout with 2-ply mat board, then Mar's idea with the rubber stamps. From that I have pressed all kinds of stuff into suede matboard.

Now, I've progressed to using a tiny embossing tool and drawing designs directly into the suede. Then, I began doing ink lines into the embossing - then, pastels, and watercolors..

Finally, I've moved up to carving. I've done carving before, ala Brian Wolf method, but I got to thinking, I know those "cube" things work to cut both bevels at once, but what about regular carving tools?

So I tried my linoleum cutters - specifically the veining tool. WONDERFUL! Tiny little lines cut into suede is simply stunning!

All this and I've got a wedding toast to frame. I can't wait to show the customer all these options - bells in the upper left corner, a wineglass in the lower right corner - Ain't life grand! (ya know, I really ought to learn how to post pictures...)


and you thought all I could do was market! ;)
Here ya go Betty, whew! I think I got them all. I am very impressed. These are very cool.





Cool Kathy. Man, you changed everything while I was posting.

How'd you do that?

I didn't realize there were a couple duplicates until after the pics came up........makes it a little faster to load.

Tell us more, Betty, tell us more.
Now I have to go dig out mom's veining tool....

here little veiner, come to papa....

you're amazing Betty. I love the ribbons....
Really cool - now I'll have to dig out my tiny carving set!!!

Also, Betty - did ya know ya can EMBOSS (with stamps and embossing powder) onto suede very nicely!!!
Hey Betty - did y'all draw/cut those designs freehand? I bet you could STAMP a design onto suede and then use that as a guideline for even more intricate cutting!

Wheee!!! This is FUN!!!

Gonna try that tomorrow!!!

Nifty! How are you masking the suede when you are painting into the embossing … or are you just using a steady hand and a pure heart?
I've been to the "toy store" today (art supply store). I have Winsor/Newton inks, acrylic inks, pastels, markers, and Speedball cutters. I looked at the rubber stamps and stencils, but nothing really "tripped my trigger" except one rose stencil. I can't wait to get started.

Bill, I just trace the pattern on with a very small embossing tip then either draw, carve, or color away. I started out life as an artist, but haven't done anything really "artistic" in years. I feel like I've been "reborn"! I guess it's really true - what goes around comes around!

Mar, I did try some linoleum blocks that I had cut, but they were way too intricate to press well. I didn't have any "real" rubber stamps, but everything I looked at today was far to "cutsey" for me. One advantage to the stamps and the 2-ply patterns, you can put weight on them and leave them for a while. Using the embossing tool is more of a "one time thing." But man, has it sparked some ideas. I also got a book of borders and patterns today (on cd as well) so I've got all kinds of ideas for decorating mats.

Since an awful lot of what I do is photo, document and shadowbox framing, this "embellishment" service is going to work very well.

Betty - do an online search for rubber stamps. You will be astonished at the amount and variety available. Or if you wish, I could post some links. It is a real labyrinth of wonderfulness - most of the stamps in stores (even rubber stamp stores) are just the tip of the ice berg!

I was hunting for a celtic horse trio online and not only did I find the exact design I was seeking but I found a stamp with a portrait of Robert Burns!!! Too cool!!!

What kind of artwork did you do, Betty (I mean other than macrame! LOL!)?
Maybe I'm being a little dense - but, how can you emboss matboard w/ a rubber stamp? Do you wet the board? Do you use 25# weights? Are instruction manuals available on-line?
Thanks Betty -
I had followed that link & I understand how it works w/ suede board - However, I have seen regular Alphamat embossed & was curious how that was done?
I'm happy to see y'all are having so much fun. I just hope you're not neglecting your work! Ooh, has that guy been standing at the design counter for very long? Terry
NOTHING interferes with my customer service. But now that you mention it, it does seem to be cutting into my grumble time...

wow, I am impressed....I've done some decorating on regular softball, glove, bat with rubber stamps,; than handcolored them with water colors...but nothing like this....saving this thread....would love to try this on the suedes.