Mat Cutting Tip
Maybe this has been talked about before, but it seems a difficult search.
I have an old C+H 60” model 6000.
I have solved the old hooker and fuzzies problems, but I have had a slight grove on the face of the bevel at the end of the stroke side of the mat.
I finally figured out the cause.
I have been using Fletchers single edge blade # 05-016.
I started to lift the bar before allowing the blade holder to release to remove the blade from the mat, and bingo the mark was gone.
Apparently when the blade holder was released, the front edge of the blade was scoring the face of the bevel.
I’ll test other blades and let you know what happens.
Any similar experiences or advice would be appreciated.
Maybe this has been talked about before, but it seems a difficult search.
I have an old C+H 60” model 6000.
I have solved the old hooker and fuzzies problems, but I have had a slight grove on the face of the bevel at the end of the stroke side of the mat.
I finally figured out the cause.
I have been using Fletchers single edge blade # 05-016.
I started to lift the bar before allowing the blade holder to release to remove the blade from the mat, and bingo the mark was gone.
Apparently when the blade holder was released, the front edge of the blade was scoring the face of the bevel.
I’ll test other blades and let you know what happens.
Any similar experiences or advice would be appreciated.